DLL what?
Install VC, .NET or whatever framework, done, they'll all will coexist together just fine.
I've used Linux specially for the last few years.
apt install 4000 dependencies...ok.. but nothing works, giving thousands of errors.
After a day tearing my hair appart, found libc was updated and wasn't backwards-compatible.
No warning about wrong version, only 4 trillion compilation errors, suddenly all code made before 2020 was useless.
You have to be half-developer to make it work and spend hours searching.
I use linux, it's great while it doesn't break or some shitty update break compatibility with everything.
But I quickly understood why reverse engineering relatively new programs showed they were compiled with GCC 5, Ubuntu 14, Linux is the extreme version of "If ain't broke, don't fix it".
So all your patches, custom code will sudenly be useless and require to spend al lot of time migrating them, it's an endless effort, I can hear the programers -no thanks, I won't fckign update my Linux, thanks again
