I'm not a Microsoft Conspiracy believer, (but who knows what really happens to your data), but this may
interest all 'Windows' users. From Windows-7 onwards, there are MULTIPLE modules still running on your
systems, that were purportedly there to help you, & to improve automatic 'Feed-Back' to Microsoft, regarding
such things as Software Compatibility, Performance etc etc. Their keyword was 'Telemetry'. (Warning bells!!).
That might be fine when Windows-7 just started, (and there-after), but they don't even SUPPORT older systems
now, let alone being interested in Monitoring/Improving older systems. But this Legacy remains. Putting aside
privacy issues, this system software still chews up Resources, and slows things down. You may safely do this!!......
Run Windows "Task Scheduler", and open up the pane on the left to . . .
Task Scheduler Library | Microsoft | Windows.
Take note of the Sub-Sections labeled . . .
Application Experience
Customer Experience Improvement.Within
EACH of those, Right-Click on
each option, and select Disable.
They are NO longer needed, you will gain many megabytes of memory, and your system will be faster.
Have a nice day.