Hi all,
Some updates, see screenshot in post#1 above.
Added a RESET to close the devices......this is in tandem with the STOP buttons and I felt necessary because GPIB on different brands of devices etc is a fickle thing!
The 3458A has it's issues on shutting down GPIB.....whilst the Keithley has it's issues on starting up GPIB!
However, the most important thing I came across is the retry feature of Pawel's code......simply stunning to see the Keithley GPIB having trouble at startup but the app continuing to retry and controlling the GPIB traffic and after 10secs or so it's all stable and working.
Got the Chart working, screenshot shows device 1 active, but it will display both devices 1 & 2. PS. screenshot is a bit misleading as I screen-captured it with only 140 datapoints loaded out of the 500 it is set with.
Scales are adjustable as is the number of x-axis datapoints.
The chart is a rolling type based on the datapoints.
I may add an auto-centre and window adjust feature (I did that on my excel vba chart) as it makes it easier/quicker to narrow right down on a voltage signal for example.
Temperature/Humidity is not logged at the moment......I am thinking that can be for the external graph analysys based on the CSV.
Added an export to CSV. This is so that you can basically copy the current CSV being written to, to another file (date & time stamped) without distrurbing it.
By the end of the week I will publish the EXE's so that others can play with it..........for me it will be invaluable with my 3458A during my PDVS2 production testing.
To do: Play with NPLC on the 3458A and see what effect this has on the app. Also need to add functionality to save-all settings.
PS. My next VB app will be to automate calibration of my PDVS2's without human intervention......i.e.: VB reads output voltage of PDVS2 via GPIB, VB sends instruction to PDVS2 to adjust up/down, VB instructs PDVS2 to save cal (zero & span DAC adjustment)............this will save me hours and hours of calibrating batches pf PDVS2's!!!