I wanted to know how the trimmers which are used for adjusting the output voltage and the T.C. of the cirquit affect stability of the output voltage of the AD587LW cirquit.
https://www.eevblog.com/forum/metrology/ad587lw-10v-precision-travel-standard/?action=dlattach;attach=402882I am using 2 different trimmer types. One is a Bourns 3296W 50K trimmer specced with 100 ppm/K. The other a cheaper RKt 50K trimmer with 200 ppm/K.
As sanity check I also tested a divider out of two 27K metal film resistors with 50 ppm/K.
I did a T.C. measurement over ~10 .. 45 deg C with 5V supply measuring at the wiper at 25%/50%/75% hoping that the T.C. over the whole trimmer resistance would compensate somehow leading to better overall stability.
The two 27K resistors showed ~72 uV change over the temperature range so below 1 ppm/deg C @2.5V giving a good compensation.
To my surprise the Bourns sample was rather "jumpy". Whereas the RKt sample showed more T.C.
All in all the deviations at the wiper output were around 1-3 mV.
So even when only regarding a relative small temperature range you cannot expect to have better stability as ~5mV@5V or 0.1%.
(Datasheet spec of the Bourns is ~1% over the whole temperature range. The RKt has no stability spec except the 200 ppm/K)
Calculating with 5mV for the voltage trimming (with a 10 Meg series resistor to the trim pin) gives ~2.6 uV change of the 10V output so 0.26 ppm.
The T.C. trimmer is more complicated to calculate. There are two 680K NTCs in series and a nominal 1.5Meg series resistor which has to be adjusted to the 3rd order correction of the T.C. of the AD587. But generally the trimmer influence is larger on this trimmer.
For AD587LW#3 and AD587LW#4 I calculated up to 24 uV or 2.4 ppm for a 5 mV trimmer voltage change.
So perhaps this also is a explanation for the 5 ppm shift after putting the AD587LW devices into the freezer.
So all in all I think that the idea of using DACs/PWM dividers instead of trimmers would be more suitable for precision devices.
with best regards