eBay 34470A module temperature coefficient benchmarksWe often hear from gray bearded metrologists and analog designers’ importance of using stable and good components in analog circuits, especially voltage references. Hundreds of hours were spent in debates about voodoo PCB slots, swastika-shaped LTZ fanouts, vacuum-insulated thermal chambers, cadmium-enriched solders and quadruple shielded PTFE wiring. But often such discussions lack of any quantitative performance data to actually show benefits of all that effort. Here we address this important issue in terms of thermal stability measurements of voltage reference module shown above.
Keep in mind, reference module tested here is NOT manufactured by Keysight Technologies. This is aftermarket clone copy of original design, with subpar assembly quality and unknown source of the parts. That said, I do not have 34470A original module to compare 1:1, but based on my experience with LTZ circuits I do expect similar results.Equipment used to perform experiment is ubiquitous
characterized Keysight 3458A 8½-digit voltmeter, DIY
temperature chamber with 40W Peltier heater/cooler,
Keithley 2510 TEC controller, calibrated
Fluke 1529 Chub-E4 with
Omega RTDCAP-100A-2-P098-050-T-40 sensor and
our own xDevs.com teckit Python application to control all equipment and process data into DSV-file for further analysis.
Temperature in chamber was swept gradually from +18 °C to +50 °C with speed around 0.03 °C per minute with static step at 50% of sweep (+34 °C) for 1 hours and 1 hours for peak temperature. Ambient room temperature and humidity stability was maintained at +23 °C ±1°C and 15% RH ±2% respectively.
Reference was powered with Keithley 2230-30-1 linear power supply with supply voltages +12 and -12 VDC. Current consumption from module was ~26-29 mA on positive rail and about 3mA on negative rail, which is typical and expected for LTZ1000A datasheet circuit. Module was assembled with LTZ1000A chip manufactured in 2018 week 38 with legs cut flush to the PCB surface. None of this voodoo LTZ standing on long kovar legs rubbish

. Resulting plot reveals output voltage variation with change of temperature inside the airbath box.

Reference performance was quite bad +0.114 ppm/°C (coefficients α = 0.107 ppm/°C and β = -0.0003 ppm/°C^2) with onboard resistors as is shipped from eBay, as I already expected. This is about 3 times worse than good LTZ reference should have.
Good LTZ1000A design capable to provide thermal stability better than 0.05 ppm/°C and this is what I have used as a target during testing and tweaking of all my
xDevs.com KX,
xDevs.com FX 10V and
xDevs.com QVR low-noise DC Voltage references. With some effort stability better than 0.03 ppm/°C can be achieved from typical datasheet circuit, without slots, cadmium solder or trimming LTZ1000A kovar legs trimming to micrometer precision. After all, LTZ1000A is power in/power out device and require just careful system design.
Typical 1% SMT chip resistors as used by seller have temperature coefficient from 100 to 250 ppm/°C, not the 2-5 ppm/°C expected by LTZ1000A reference. Now idea is to replace cheap resistors with something much better and repeat same temperature stability test to narrow down if the excessive tempco caused by resistors or something else like poor PCB component placement, SMT-type LT1013 or routing of the copper traces around.
I bought some reasonably-priced Susumu SMT RG and URG series resistors in 1206 size, specified to have tempco better than 2 ppm/°C.
Digikey part number | Susumu part number | Resistor description | Price |
408-1788-1-ND | URG3216L-101-L-T05 | RES SMD 100 OHM 0.01% 1/4W 1206 | $8.38 USD |
408-1645-1-ND | RG3216L-102-L-T05 | RES SMD 1K OHM 0.01% 1/8W 1206 | $5.20 USD |
408-1648-1-ND | RG3216L-153-L-T05 | RES SMD 15K OHM 0.01% 1/8W 1206 | $5.20 USD |

Of course, there are even fancier metal foil VPG resistors such as VFCP Y1630 (over $11 USD/pcs) or FRSM Y4023 (over $18 USD/pcs) but in standard LTZ1000A circuit I doubt we will see much difference in DC Voltage output temperature stability compared to more affordable Susumu 2ppm/°C parts. Long-term stability is another aspect, but its completely out of scope of this article. In the end of the day Keysight 34470A is a benchtop general-purpose DMM and it is not suitable or supposed to act as a laboratory DC Voltage reference equipment.

Pay attention to twice smaller scale on vertical ppm axis. Benchmarks show significant 257% improvement after simple resistors swap. Now reference performance matches expected LTZ1000A circuit capability, with box tempco just +0.046 ppm/°C and slope parameters α = 0.0431 ppm/°C and β = -0.0005 ppm/°C^2
Same data presented in RAW timescale format also presented below, together with some resistor tempco runs. I often run multiple experiments and measurements at same time and combined plots showing multiple unrelated values, which my friends and people can find often confusing. Our DUT +7V reference measurement presented in olive color chart line on this example plot. This is a data from a temperature run with Susumu resistors and presented to show the timing of the experiment. Temperature used for tempco calculations is shown in maroon color (from Fluke 1529 thermometer).
P.S.To provide justice for the seller, I have contacted seller about misleading resistors discrepancy and after discussing performance drawbacks of the unit's resistors as in eBay listing (with photos at time of purchase, seller replaced photos with cheap resistors already) seller issued full refund on my two modules. Buyers beware, as with everything that comes from secondary market!