And if you take a good look in this thread, you will see the firsts attacks come from awesome14.
I agree, in the start, it was looking good, with good points on how to do, and how to evaluate this kind of circuits. But when the people from this forum started to try to get real tests, then the maker came and start to try make everyone to think the same way he does.
Using non-scientific things to explain the circuit, blah blah...
Then, after he show some attacks to whom disagree from him, the things come more comedy... From some pages there is nothing but funny posts, from one side or another.
No big deal. There is somethings that we don't really say to someone, but if he is concerned about this, stop to say something to us (like all that crap about how he get the circuit from heavens, or something about vampires, about the cardiologist who know so much of electronics, about death attempts, how all this are connected to some voltage reference circuit?)
More than a scam, it is a troll.
Show me one place where I did anything but tell the truth. I didn't attack anyone.
you have GOT to be kidding.....go back and read your own posts.....UN-freaking-believable
We can start with claims about your miraculous "heatpipe" about claims of somehow bending the laws of physics, to improve Ti's technology? Face it, the ref you are selling simply proves the quality of Ti's REF102C package...DESPITE your best efforts to corrupt it's implementation.....
You have been your own worst critic and enemy here.....DESPITE many of us offering suggestions and constructive criticisms....
I have a me the testing data, that proves your little piece of copper foil, bonded to a weak heat source, and then bonded to the CASE of the REF IC, does ANYTHING AT ALL to improve performance.....seriously ONE piece of data and I will take you seriously.
as far as I can see, you have done nothing other than meet Ti's own claims of potential stability in their IC package....nothing more and certainly less, in some case you missed the Ti lab report on this IC, here it is again.....
Show me ONE SINGLE piece of data that backs up your claims of "bettering" Ti's ref IC....if you simply made a mistake, because you don't understand what you are doing....then that is fine, admit humble and some of us here might be inclined to help you.....but you need to stop posting misleading claims on your ebay listing, and stop with all of this "miraculous" technology inventions of your....they don't exist....nothing here, to me, is magic, or even "seems like magic" fact it follows Ti's own data sheet to the T....

P.S. the chart above is the M package version of the REF102C....which is the TO (can) style package.....Ti claims that the plastic package achieves the EXACT SAME stability figures AFTER 168 hours stabilization time.....which I whole heatedly believe....and can attest to, through my own experiences with the REF102C (non M) package.....nothing miraculous here.....just an honest manufacturer, who makes a device with a degree or predictability, for a reasonable cost.....I.E. good science, good marketing, from a reputable company....and that is PAR for the course...