Thanks for the overview of AD technologies used by DMMs.
One thing I want to comment: it is not too complicated to obtain a continuous-time Delta-Sigma ADC (CTDS) almost free of idle tones. The modulator should have third or better forth order. The first integrator must be sufficiently linear, what can be obtained with a composite amplifier. The open loop gain is typically >300dB. If there is no parasitic feedback, for instance by stray capacitance in the fF range, the latch-up eliminator, or power supply lines, then the idle tones are forced into a higher frequency range where they are suppressed by the digital filter. It might be interesting, at least some of the PREMA DMMs had an only 2nd order modulator, so that idle tones had to be present and the measurement rate for high resolution was very slow compared to competing DMMs. PREMA called the technique not DS - I assume that this was a kind of work-around for american patents active at that time. Due to parasitic coupling, it seems to be very expensive to use CTDS-technique on an integrated circuit (see e.g. "Wide-Bandwidth Single-Bit Continuous-Time-Sigma-Delta-Modulation for Area- and Power-Efficient A/D Conversion with Low Jitter Sensitivity", diss. Sebastian Zeller, Erlangen; "A High Speed/High Linearity Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma Modulator", diss. Chao Chu, University of Ulm).
DSADC ICs are using complicated differential signal processing (and perfect layout) in combination with switched capacitor technology (SCT), so that parasitic coupling e.g. over the substrate - in the ideal case - is canceled. However, SCT is always limited by the kT/C-noise, and in combination with IC technology constraints there is a fundamental noise limit for SCT-DSADCs. Therefore, in recent years new designs were presented which use a SAR-ADC with digital filtering in order to yield a step forward, e.g. the according LTC23xx family.
It is very interesting that there is a remarkable convergence of circuit techniques while coming from the MS- and DS-method sides. The basic differences between the MS- and my DS-approach (started 1 year ago) are:
- in order to obtain up to 1000 meas./s, the switch PWM frequency is 200 kHz. A fixed PWM frequency is required for a 200:1 overampling ratio. For lower meas. rate and improved linearity, a modified pulse density scheme could be applied (I already used that successfully in an older DS design).
- the first integrator is a composite design: a very fast discrete JFET amplifier is corrected by a slow, but dc precise JFET-OP. The 2 gains are combined smoothly without causing steep phase slopes or peaks. LTSpice says that the gain is 162 dB at 10Hz, 67dB at 100 kHz, gbp is 68MHz at 1MHz, the transient response to 125uA current pulses is a <250uV <30ns peak at ni-input (I'm curious to test the real PCB). This high bandwidth (or fast settling time) is essential to obtain mean reference currents independent on duty cycle (a weak point of this topology).
I think it makes good sense to develop 2 different designs and to learn from differences. It will take still several months until I can report here.