No you are totally incorrect, you are confusing tolerance with TCR, the tolerance of those two resistors were within ±10 PPM as requested, the TCR would have been <1.0PPM°C, probably close to 0.85 PPM/°C, but that is not the tracking TCR, since both were made of the same wire the tracking TCR (ignoring external factors such as thermal differentials) would be likely less than 0.5PPM/°C (conservatively under real operating conditions)). The tracking is affected by external environmental conditions which I have no control over and yes film resistors would have similar effects even on the same substrate but possibly smaller because they are much smaller physically but they are also affected by factors which have little to no effect on wire wounds. Tracking is a very difficult specification to work out since it involves much more than just the resistors, each situation is different.
Yes you very well may be getting pretty close tracking on your NOMCA chip under those conditions, I am not particularly disputing your results, the question is how stable is it over time, your one off only shows that this one chip has these current specifications at this time. The TCR and tracking TCR of my resistors do not shift significantly over time unless the resistors are subjected to extraordinary conditions. Your calculations concerning my parts are quite incorrect. I have demonstrated 0.1PPM to 0.2PPM ratio tracking over long term time by one of my customers, that is not to say everyone is going to achieve that low tracking value, it takes effort on the part of the customer as well.
Econistors are not equivalent to mine, their specs are not equal and as stated, all precision wire wound resistors are NOT the same. If you are going to compare something against my resistors, then use my resistors but stop making erroneous comparisons thank you.
The table I posted is NOT mine, it is the SR-1 transfer resistor data table from ESI/Tegam/IET, my specifications are better than those which I said in the other posting, please read it more carefully.
It is this kind of misinterpretation which causes problems, it would be much better if you asked a question directly instead of posting first without comprehension. Yes resistors, like most other components are much more complex that most people understand and when you're chasing PPMs, it gets even more difficult.