I guess this is a good example of what people have said in this thread: You can't use a meter with a '399 voltage reference to measure the performance of a LTZ1000. I'm just surprised the 34465a made such a good thermometer! Even when temperature is stable between the 16 - 21 hour mark, there's a great deal of noise that made me wonder if my LTZ1000 was operating correctly. But in view of the 34970a measurements, it seems fine.
Do others with 6.5 digit meters experience similar issues?
What issue do you mean?
I think you let yourself fool by the different visual appearances of both graphs, which are at first differently formatted, e.g. the thicker line width for the 34970A.
Then, both instruments feature different resolutions over GPIB, i.e. 100nV for the 34465A, and 1uV only for the 34970A.
If you look closer at the short-term noise, the 34465A varies about 3uVpp, and so does the 34390A. The finer resolution of the 465A gives a more fluttery appearance.
Also, the time resolution of the 34490A measurement seems to be much lower, than the 34465As, maybe there's an additional running-average filter, which additionally reduces the apparent noise.
I made a comparison between the 34465A, 34470A and the 3458A, using a stable 10V reference (5442A), equivalent to the LTZ1000:
https://www.eevblog.com/forum/testgear/keysight's-new-34465a-(6-5-digit)-and-34470a-(7-5-digit)-bench-multimeters/msg889217/#msg889217which indicates, that concerning noise, the 34470A performs similar to the 3458A, only due to the LTZ1000A based references, whereas the 34465A (which has identical hardware as the '470A, otherwise), shows more noise due to its LM399 reference.
Latter is valid for all LM399 based DMMs, as the 34401A and your 34390, which share the identical DMM circuit.
The 34465A/470A are very similar to, or based on the 34410/411 design. (Same Multislope IV architecture, many identical crucial components)
Therefore, the Keysight instrument are very probably made as good as under the former brands.
In the end, you made a trivial conclusion, that you can't really evaluate an LTZ1000 by an LM399 based instrument, that applies to to your 34970A as well.
You did not describe, how you have set up your instruments. The temperature sensor measures the LTZ1000s temperature, but obviously neither the real room temperature, nor the instruments individual temperatures.
Probably, you have stacked them, 34465A on top of the 34970A, so that the 465A is heated additionally by the 970A.
Both instruments are specified to have a T.C. of about 5ppm/°C. So the change of 10uV or 1.4 ppm for the 34465A, in face of the 2°C change RT (?) change, or much more, if you really stacked the instruments, is very well inside specification.
That might explain the seemingly better temperature stability of the 34970A.
Therefore you should have a better / more temperature stable experimental setup, before you draw the wrong conclusions.
Btw.: I also measured the 16h stability and noise of my 34401A, using the same 10V reference. That looks quite similar to your measurements on the 34970A: