Thanks all for the feedback and the interest! Lots of things to reply to.
First, the noise amp was for measuring the noise from the LTZ1000 circuit, which is expected to be in the order of 200nVrms 0.1-10Hz. (ie not measuring another LTC2057
) I choose that amp because of the very low, low frequency noise, in the order of 33nVrms 0.1-10Hz. Honestly, did not give the current noise much thought because the ltz1000 circuit has a low impedance output. There are other chopper amps with lower input bias current but then of course with higher input noise. I can surely try lower input impedance as I have some big fat foil caps on the shelf. Have a 70uF polyprop, big as my fist. It's not a permanent setup anyway, was for comparing different parameters in the LTZ1000 circuit.
Even if it would be interesting, no need to go to discrete JFET input stage. I'm de-touring from the LTZ1000 all the time anyway. But in longer term I'm interested in looking at discrete JFET input stage.
The LP filter stuff; I stared with this before realizing that the ADC I'm using
can sample at rates well below the mains frequency. I'ts a Delta-Sigma so brick-wall LP anti-aliasing filtering comes in the box, I don't need to add a steep analogue LP, can chuck that out. (according to all docs, the ADC supports sample rates down to 1kHz but actually samples at rated down to 32Hz. Tested, works, attenuates mains frequency by at least 100dB
. Someone lese may elaborate on how & why DS-ADCs effectively block higher frequencies without aliasing problems... I made a small paper on results only. Attached. Comments welcome.
So right now it looks ike: Larger input cap, lower input impedance, get rid of the 2nd order LP, sample at low frequency, make sure the ADC brick-walls mains, do some additional band pass filtering in software....
Yes, the most sensitive measurements are done with battery power, in the Universal Shielding Device, aka cookie box.