Author Topic: Solar Roadways - Germany edition...  (Read 15159 times)

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Offline DougSpindler

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Re: Solar Roadways - Germany edition...
« Reply #25 on: November 20, 2018, 07:41:42 pm »
The Chinese did the same thing not too long ago;.  YouTube video posted.  It took the Chinese a week to figur out how to drive the solar roadway.  It’s a demonstration of how the Chinese have a technological superiority over the rest of the wold when it cones to solar roadways.  The Germans must still be amazed at how the Chinese government could get the de-icing to work when Germans engineers couldn’t.  Guess they haven’t watched the video by this British guy. (4:04)  The Chinese secret is called a broom.

Brooms don't work on ice.

Did you look at the video I posted with the Chinese sweeping the roadway.  May not work for you....  But the Chineese were clever enough to do it.  Next time try using a Chineese broom.

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Re: Solar Roadways - Germany edition...
« Reply #26 on: March 12, 2019, 12:51:48 pm »
Can i add that the Netherlands is doing the same *stupid* thing with solar roadways:

I think we need another debunking from Dave, otherwise this will get out of hand...!

Offline george80

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Re: Solar Roadways - Germany edition...
« Reply #27 on: March 12, 2019, 01:52:21 pm »

Just goes to show how far all this green washed Bullshit has gone.  They know damn well it does not work and is counter economic but still to appease the green zealot cult they piss money up the road to appease them and keep up appearances.

Whole save the planet shit ought to be outlawed to stop the huge damage it's doing. 

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Re: Solar Roadways - Germany edition...
« Reply #28 on: March 12, 2019, 04:07:54 pm »

EU target is 20% of renewable energy by 2020 (that is, tomorrow). Long term goals, short term deadlines. What could go wrong? No surprise every country in the EU will end up with solar roadways. Until the next trend.

It's mainly politics. All that matters is to take action, so they all just do that.

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Re: Solar Roadways - Germany edition...
« Reply #29 on: March 12, 2019, 07:08:06 pm »
Looking at that chart its obvious why the Netherlands is getting desperate!

At least Germany is doing a bit better...

Offline nctnico

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Re: Solar Roadways - Germany edition...
« Reply #30 on: March 12, 2019, 07:57:40 pm »
Can i add that the Netherlands is doing the same *stupid* thing with solar roadways:

I think we need another debunking from Dave, otherwise this will get out of hand...!
Let's first see how the financials work out. For starters there is a vast amount of roads which aren't used often so these are the ideal space to combine with solar panels.
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Offline george80

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Re: Solar Roadways - Germany edition...
« Reply #31 on: March 12, 2019, 09:06:36 pm »
Let's first see how the financials work out. For starters there is a vast amount of roads which aren't used often so these are the ideal space to combine with solar panels.

There is no need to see how they work out!
They have already been tested in a number of places and they do not produce enough power to justify themselves. Thats the whole point, they have been tried and tested and were a miserable failure and always will be for the causes they have already established.
I read about trials somewhere 3 years ago and they worked out from that they would never be viable anywhere and why.  I forget all the reasons now but it wasn't like They might be viable somewhere, they failed by such a margin it was apparent the issues would take 50 years of improvement in the efficiency and other things to even come close to being viable in that application.

As said, it's doing something for the sake of being seen to be  doing something no matter how useless or the fact it's pissing money up the wall.  Another example of green washing bullshit and why it's a fraud and insult to a persons intelligence.

Why in fk would you even think about using roads to use with PV generation with all the associated problems when there are endless roofs on homes and buildings that would be such a better proposition?
Probably because they KNOW this is useless and will do nothing where as if they had some sort of subsidy for people to put them on their own roofs and make power it would lower the revenue paid to the power co's and the gubberment taxes.  The last thing they want is to reduce revenues, taxes and make people less dependent!

The sooner people open their eyes to this garbage and wake up to the fact this whole thing is nothing but a money spinner making  Climate change Barons like Gore and co and the companies that throw in with him making billions of bucks and that's ALL it's about, the sooner  the resources of the world will stop being squandered on a useless lie.

Offline DougSpindler

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Re: Solar Roadways - Germany edition...
« Reply #32 on: March 13, 2019, 11:51:05 am »
You folks are so negative and are letting good science get in the way of politicians spending tax payer Monet on something that might work one day.  We just need to get Elizebth Holmes to convince you it’s going to work.

No sense wasting all of that tax payer money on a technology we know that works like nuclear, right?  Or next gen nuclear like ITER or NIF, right?

Offline george80

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Re: Solar Roadways - Germany edition...
« Reply #33 on: March 13, 2019, 10:18:16 pm »

No sense wasting all of that tax payer money on a technology we know that works like nuclear, right?  Or next gen nuclear like ITER or NIF, right?

Maybe they don't want to take the risk of wiping out thousands or leaving half of Europe laid uninhabitable or want to create yet more Toxic waste the whole time they are lying saying the process is " Clean".

They could stick to the tech they are using, solar, On rooftops that are already there.
In reality, I think both of these options fail for one reason which is exactly as you said..... They know it works.

I think what they are really looking for is something new and different and headline attracting and makes the sheeple and the greenwashed think there is some new exciting break through being done. I don't think for a minute it's any different to the rest of the Green Crock of shit, it's not about results, it's about keeping the sheeple distracted and being able to divert money into things where there are kickbacks and fortunes to be made on ideas that have no practical merit.

I probably should invent something like a generator for shithouses . Get one of those tiny water Dynamos and put it in the cistern water feed and rig it to a battery and an LED so you didn't have to turn the light on at night when you had to visit.  I could calculate the number of shithouses in the world, assume they all had 500W lightbulb in them, people visited an average of 17 times a night for an hour each time  and come up with some fantastic number as to how much power this initiative could save over a year. 
Forget it would cost $3000 plus installation by a licensed sparky,  it could save the world!  :-DD

Maybe a throne that took the expelled methane and ran a small engine when enough had been gathered to charge a battery to power a light..... for 17 seconds a week. Reducing  CO2 and what gubbermint wouldn't pay for that and a chance for the pollies to get their mugshot on some feel good greenwashed site.

Now THOSE are the sort of ideas they are looking for.  And make sure one prices them to kill so the gubbermints can say " We have spent XX million  on renewable energy/ co2 reduction initiatives" without having to go to too much effort to find things to spend it on and to the paperwork to organise cheques. 
 The fact they may have got the cash and set fire to it and got more benefit if they put a billy over it and boiled water for a cup of tea that cost a million bux is irrelevant.

Offline DougSpindler

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Re: Solar Roadways - Germany edition...
« Reply #34 on: March 14, 2019, 01:51:26 am »
What ever happened to the Aussie Joe Cell?  The guy who in his backyard discovered some BS orgone magnetic resonance HHO generator to run cars on water.  I think that was 20 or 30 years ago.  I would think everyone in Australia would have one in there car buy now and Australia has a water shortage.  Or was Joe killed buy the oil industry and the plans were stolen and destroyed.  Those evil oil people.  Or is Joe moved on and now selling solar roadways?

Offline george80

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Re: Solar Roadways - Germany edition...
« Reply #35 on: March 14, 2019, 08:51:54 am »

Oh Dear lord! ( or any other daiety you choose to worship) Now you have done it!
Next thing you kinow there will someone trying to ram that down our necks.

OK, I'll admit, at one stage I did wonder about that.  Mate and I came across this guy at a swap meet one time with a Hohoho generator he was showin. Wasn't trying to sell it, wasn't trying to convince anyone, just there showing how it worked and answering questions.
Clearly a smart young man, worked at a uni, Clean cut, reserved... got us totally wondering if there was something to this.... not that it made any sense but anyway.

So I went home and built one and Hooked it up to a small Diesel engine and set up a fixed and accurately measurable load and the same with fuel consumption.  Had the engine Driving an alternator which supplied power to the gas machine.  Mate is an engineer / scientist that works in aerospace so he made sure everthing was repeatable and measurable... and borrowed some stuff from work to make sure it was!

We ran back to back tests with the HoHOho and without the Hohoho. 3 times each way alternating. No discernible difference what so ever.
Then we cheated and ran the machine off a couple  battery so it didn't put any load on the engine and the thing was fizzing up pumping out the gas.  Then we saw
We ran the setup 3 times and there appeared to be a TINY improvement but we were talking maybe 1ml of fuel over 5 minutes operation. Still statistically within margin of error. As mate said, drop in air temp could do that as could Humidity change etc.

We had been talking about doing the test on a forum and showed pics of the setup and posted the results.
yeah well.....

We hadn't built the generator right even though mate built it precisely to the specs everyone agreed on before hand.
The engine was too small. The engine was too big for that cell, the voltage was .003762 of a volt off, The Alternator output wasn't smoothed enough, the phase of the moon was wrong, the engine wasn't aligned to the planet zorg when we started, we should have waited for the Salmon run In Norway and so it went.

Could not be accepted it didn't work, we just HAD to have done something wrong.....
Pigs arse.

I was later in contact with the guy we originally spoke to and was mentioning to him what I had read about Hydrogen and in fact he was carrying a Bomb in the boot of his car.  He agreed I was correct but had done away with the thing anyway. He had been keeping a log and then when he showed someone, they pointed out he had made a mistake in the conversion and in fact he too was seeing no benefit as he thought.

Nothing has changed now.  If it don't work you did something wrong. That simple.  Mean while Billy Bob from buggery gets an Old tin can, some fencing wire, hooks the wire to an old radio battery that's 30 years old, pisses in the can and when he reports he got 196 MPG towing a broken down semi up a mountain at 75 Mph in his Stock '54 Pickup, everyone congratulates him on a job well done and says it proves the idea works even though he admits he left the can of piss and wires at home on the workbench and forgot to put in in the car!   :-DD

The gullibility of people and their desperation to believe in miracles and to clutch onto pathetic and illogical hope never fails to amaze me. 

Offline DougSpindler

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Re: Solar Roadways - Germany edition...
« Reply #36 on: March 14, 2019, 11:16:11 am »
Nice story.  What happed to the guy?  Is he still around?  Is he still promoting his HoHo-haha generator?  What was he motovation for all of this?  Sounds like it wasn’t money.

Offline analogo

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Re: Solar Roadways - Germany edition...
« Reply #37 on: March 15, 2019, 09:07:28 pm »

EU target is 20% of renewable energy by 2020 (that is, tomorrow). Long term goals, short term deadlines. What could go wrong? No surprise every country in the EU will end up with solar roadways. Until the next trend.

It's mainly politics. All that matters is to take action, so they all just do that.

Well, the 20by20 target in the EU hat been set in legislation in 2010. In the past 9 years the EU went from about 10% renewable to about 19% in 2019.

In other words, EU basically doubled its share of renewable in ten years. Not bad at all. I does not seem "just politics" to me, concrete actions have been taken. As all things in life, most have been right actions, some have been wrong actions, but overall the result is definitely positive and the numbers show that.

My only regret is that they have set the target too low. Let's wait for 40by40. I hope they'll change it to 60by40.

Offline nctnico

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Re: Solar Roadways - Germany edition...
« Reply #38 on: March 15, 2019, 09:40:16 pm »
The fact is that the changeover to renewables has to be cost neutral for the end user. This will continue to go slow and probably slower than the environmentalists want.

Governments can create incentives to create more renewables by reducing initial risks for investors and/or sponsoring scaling up production but these incentives can't become structural subsidies. I think solar roadways are worth trying to see if they can be made cost effective. IMHO they are a good alternative to roofs because every roof will need it's own inverter and every roof has a different owner which makes the logistics of large scale solar on roofs a nightmare. Not to mention the infrastructure needed to transport the electricity. You can't really scale solar on roofs up like installing tens or hundreds of kilometers of solar roadway.
There are small lies, big lies and then there is what is on the screen of your oscilloscope.

Offline DougSpindler

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Re: Solar Roadways - Germany edition...
« Reply #39 on: March 15, 2019, 10:49:49 pm »
This was posted in a different post, but I think it's very well done and worth sharing.
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Re: Solar Roadways - Germany edition...
« Reply #40 on: March 15, 2019, 10:57:28 pm »
Why try to make them cost effective if there is an alternative that will always be more cost effective? Solar farms?
In Veendam they just opened a huge solar farm. That is how you do it! High efficiency, easy to maintain, no groundbreaking research required.

Isnt that the only thing that matters? Making the most cost effective solution? So we can make the most progress towards renewable energy?
Or is it for some people all about hype, marketing and wasting tax money?
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Offline nctnico

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Re: Solar Roadways - Germany edition...
« Reply #41 on: March 15, 2019, 11:20:15 pm »
Why try to make them cost effective if there is an alternative that will always be more cost effective? Solar farms?
In Veendam they just opened a huge solar farm. That is how you do it! High efficiency, easy to maintain, no groundbreaking research required.
But the problem with solar farms is that they, like 1st and 2nd generation bio-fuels, take precious farm land away which could otherwise be used for food production. There are already rumours about banning the use of farm land for solar arrays for this reason. I find it interesting that everytime I bring up bio-fuels someone will chime in and say 'bio-fuels take farm land away' and for solar farms this suddenly isn't a problem  :-//
Solar roadways are all about dual use of space.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2019, 11:49:11 pm by nctnico »
There are small lies, big lies and then there is what is on the screen of your oscilloscope.

Offline DougSpindler

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Re: Solar Roadways - Germany edition...
« Reply #42 on: March 16, 2019, 12:09:01 am »
Why try to make them cost effective if there is an alternative that will always be more cost effective? Solar farms?
In Veendam they just opened a huge solar farm. That is how you do it! High efficiency, easy to maintain, no groundbreaking research required.
But the problem with solar farms is that they, like 1st and 2nd generation bio-fuels, take precious farm land away which could otherwise be used for food production. There are already rumours about banning the use of farm land for solar arrays for this reason. I find it interesting that everytime I bring up bio-fuels someone will chime in and say 'bio-fuels take farm land away' and for solar farms this suddenly isn't a problem  :-//

NO!  The reason bio-fuels are a silly solution is because you think plants produce hydrocarbons.  If you had taken a biology or chemistry class you would not that's incorrect.  Every time I or someone provides you with amble evidence showing you where you are wrong you refuse to acknowledge you were wrong and continue to prorogate the same incorrect information over and over.

Let's try teaching you again.  Hopefully you will learn this time.  Dude in the second video at 2:40 the math will show you just how ridiculous biofuels are.


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Re: Solar Roadways - Germany edition...
« Reply #43 on: March 16, 2019, 12:26:58 am »
The fact is that the changeover to renewables has to be cost neutral for the end user. This will continue to go slow and probably slower than the environmentalists want.

EVerything is slower than the green zealots want because they want it all and wanted it yesterday.
Forget the technology, don't worry about the cost or the consequences when the lights go out, regularly, it's the fairy tale ideal that's the important bit.

I think solar roadways are worth trying to see if they can be made cost effective.

What do you mean "see if they can be made cost effective? " They don't work as in produce worthwhile power. You don't need to build them to work that out.  a Calculator from the $2 shop is all you need for that even if you don't have something to computer model the outcomes which every organization/ gubbermint that would build them would have access to.

This idea of needing to actually build something to see if it will work is garbage and has been for 30+years.  This is a simple, straightforward thing. it's very easy to know if " It will work" before you even leave the restaurant where you got the napkin from to scribble the idea in the first place.

I MHO they are a good alternative to roofs because every roof will need it's own inverter and every roof has a different owner which makes the logistics of large scale solar on roofs a nightmare.

Your opinion really doesen't have much credability and statements like this are why.
I have 4 Inverters here. whats the problem with them?  If they Build micros into roads then they have done the same thing. You have to have some sort of power conversion from the DC to grid AC. 

Here is Oz we have the highest saturation of Rooftop PV in the world. What Logistical problems are you talking about? Putting an inverter on the wall when you wire the panels up?  Some people now opt for Micro inverters which have different advantages and would have to be incorporated into roadways to make them work pretty much at all due to the intermittent but constant shading issues.

Not to mention the infrastructure needed to transport the electricity. You can't really scale solar on roofs up like installing tens or hundreds of kilometers of solar roadway.

Have you been drinking? Again?  Is that the problem that causes you to make such ignorant and uninformed statements?

Why would you need infrastructure to transport the electricity from rooftops? It's already there! Excess power is fed back into the grid so if you have too much it goes to the guy next door or a few km down the road to the shopping center, factory, school, hospital, treatment plant, block of units  or whomever. There will always be loads of places that do not have near the footprint to generate anything like the power they consume. Imagine what even a small shopping center pulls in. Would take a preimeter of probably several KM around it to provide enough power to run it. A large Multi story would suck all the power the suburb could provide and then some. Of course the wider the area you go the more places you cover that would also be sucking power not generating.

   Down the road from me there were a number of single story factories that covered their substantial roofs in panels and also a large Pub.  I thought they must be making money on the backfeed.
I later saw an article in the local rag that the pub was now doing 19% of it's own power generation and the factorys were doing 21% and getting a little money on the weekends for backfeed when they were closed.

If the power can come into the place it can go back out.  Here everyone has a Minimum of 48 or 62A @ 240V on single phase and 40 or 60A on 3 phase. That is allocated on the wires in the street so would also be what the existing lines can feed back.
Thats 11Kw min on 48, about 15 on 60A and 45+ on 3 phase.  That is a lot of potential generation where it's needed.

The argument is that not every house draws that so it would over power the lines but the reality is many houses are going to be flat out with the roof space and orientation to produce over 5 Kw at any given time anyway. It all evens out and still would allow a huge offset of power from FF stations which are more flexible than anything else.

And as for the ramping up and down, that's already covered right now. Our grid works by generators bidding on supply price at certain times of the day WEEKS in advance. If there is a shortage the regulator advertises a notice to get in more suppliers.  There is also a reserve margin built in to cover higher consumption than anticipated.  It CAN and IS done right now.

 The ONLY required infrastructure for large scale rooftop solar is to potentially install newer transformers to replace the old ones, some of which are 50 years of age with those that can handle the 2 way power better. As far as I am aware, all these new estates get them anyway.

Here the power company's say there are technical reasons why there has to be limits on backfeed which is complete and utter BS because other places do it. It's all about limiting the input to stop loosing revenue and control from people generating their own power.
I will bet my arse their tune changes in the very near future when they realise that haven't got a hope in hell of keeping up with demand when they are closing all the coal stations and the backlash of the lights going out will force them to get power wherever they can.  Rooftop solar will be the fastest, cheapest and lowest impact generation of all to supplement the base load stations.

Of course start upping consumption with EV's and then solar is definitely going to come into play. I can see the cheap nightly off peak rates going out the window as demand on the grid now is often higher at night than it is during the day things to rooftop PV.

This is probably what has the power cos worried about their loss of the offensive profits they make here.

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Re: Solar Roadways - Germany edition...
« Reply #44 on: March 16, 2019, 12:38:19 am »
Why try to make them cost effective if there is an alternative that will always be more cost effective? Solar farms?
In Veendam they just opened a huge solar farm. That is how you do it! High efficiency, easy to maintain, no groundbreaking research required.
But the problem with solar farms is that they, like 1st and 2nd generation bio-fuels, take precious farm land away which could otherwise be used for food production. There are already rumours about banning the use of farm land for solar arrays for this reason. I find it interesting that everytime I bring up bio-fuels someone will chime in and say 'bio-fuels take farm land away' and for solar farms this suddenly isn't a problem  :-//
NO!  The reason bio-fuels are a silly solution is because you think plants produce hydrocarbons.
Look up Glucose and Cellulose. If plants don't produce hydrocarbons then where do fossil fuels come from?  :palm: This must be one of your all time lows.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2019, 12:50:12 am by nctnico »
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Offline DougSpindler

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Re: Solar Roadways - Germany edition...
« Reply #45 on: March 16, 2019, 12:50:39 am »
I think solar roadways are worth trying to see if they can be made cost effective.

nctnico when will you learn all of the ideas you have proposed have been shown and proven not to be cost effective.

Dude even Dave the guy's forms you are on made a video to show you what a stupid idea solar roadways are.
Let's hope you believe Dave.  He made a head slapping how stupid are solar roadways video.

nctnico if you don't believe Dave, who do you believe?  You still going to believe the hype by the marketing people on Indiegogo?  Please show us you have some intelligence and can learn something.


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Re: Solar Roadways - Germany edition...
« Reply #46 on: March 16, 2019, 12:54:29 am »
It is not about believing but seeing where solar roadways are going. I'm more interested to see what the companies investing millions into solar roadways are coming up with than a guy ranting on Youtube who is obviously not looking at the big picture.
There are small lies, big lies and then there is what is on the screen of your oscilloscope.

Offline DougSpindler

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Re: Solar Roadways - Germany edition...
« Reply #47 on: March 16, 2019, 12:56:16 am »
Why try to make them cost effective if there is an alternative that will always be more cost effective? Solar farms?
In Veendam they just opened a huge solar farm. That is how you do it! High efficiency, easy to maintain, no groundbreaking research required.
But the problem with solar farms is that they, like 1st and 2nd generation bio-fuels, take precious farm land away which could otherwise be used for food production. There are already rumours about banning the use of farm land for solar arrays for this reason. I find it interesting that everytime I bring up bio-fuels someone will chime in and say 'bio-fuels take farm land away' and for solar farms this suddenly isn't a problem  :-//
NO!  The reason bio-fuels are a silly solution is because you think plants produce hydrocarbons.
Look up Glucose and Cellulose. If plants don't produce hydrocarbons then where do fossil fuels come from?  :palm: This must be one of your all time lows.

Just show us the chemical reaction of how plants convert sunlight and C02 into hydrocarbons.  Or trying to say fossil fuels are really biofuels? 

Have you over indulged on some Genever?  Or smoking some Freetown Christiania cigarettes?


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Re: Solar Roadways - Germany edition...
« Reply #48 on: March 16, 2019, 01:03:22 am »
It is not about believing but seeing where solar roadways are going. I'm more interested to see what the companies investing millions into solar roadways are coming up with than a guy ranting on Youtube who is obviously not looking at the big picture.

Dude are you really that stupid?  THEY DON'T WORK, Dave busted them.  And not only that Dave is showing you why they will NEVER work.  Your logic is as idiotic as expecting to win in a poker game when everyone is cheating except for you.  Don't you get it.  Dave and everyone else is showing you they are a silly idea.

Jeez man, get an education.

Offline nctnico

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Re: Solar Roadways - Germany edition...
« Reply #49 on: March 16, 2019, 01:09:30 am »
The first error is that Dave is comparing a commercial off-the-shelf product with something which is in the experimental stage. Secondly he doesn't include costs to built a regular road. If the idea is outright idiotic companies with loads of smart engineers and business analysts aren't going to invest millions. I'm not going to form an opinion based on some guy ranting on Youtube.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2019, 01:12:59 am by nctnico »
There are small lies, big lies and then there is what is on the screen of your oscilloscope.

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