Just a bump with a quick test for output ripple. i got a Preamble 1855 differential amplifier from fleabay and thought I would give it a quick try on the output ripple on a PD 2010. This was more to see if the diff amp would let me actually see the ripple without all the ambient noise. I was testing at 3mV unloaded. The precision offset voltage generator in the 1855 allows DC coupling while measuring the ripple.
8846A AC reading at 10NPLC and 200Hz filter. Secondary reading is the DC component. Darn, I am going to have to recalibrate the 2010 its 0.4 uV off

12.7uV RMS = 36uV PP according to the 8846A.

Both pictures below are this setup: 1855 setup with dc coupling, 10X gain, 100kHZ BW limit, 1M input resistance, 3mV differential offset, 1x probes. Tek 2225 setup with DC coupling 500uV/div, 0.1uS/div, PP auto trigger, LF reject. This gives 50uV/div on the scope display.
This shot is with the two probe hooks connected and the two standard ground leads clipped to each other. I would consider that a clean 50uV noise floor.

This shot is both probe hooks removed and the probe tips on the output of the PD 2010. If you visually subtract out the 50uV noise floor I would say it is below the 100uV PP ripple spec. I know, not very scientific, like I said I wanted to try the diff amp.