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Test Equipment / Re: Tektronix 2712 Spectrum Analyser nvram data lost
« Last post by tautech on Today at 03:49:01 pm »
Welcome to the forum.

Have you had a look around in the Tekwiki ?
Repair / Re: Agilent 34401A Bubble on PCB ... can it be saved ?
« Last post by Dr. Frank on Today at 03:45:52 pm »
what about 1M and 100k ranges?

Next step: Please remove Q203 and measure these 3 currents from pin 2 of Q202 to AGND / INPUT LO.

Repair / Re: Agilent 34401A Bubble on PCB ... can it be saved ?
« Last post by mawyatt on Today at 03:44:19 pm »
Out of curiosity we took a quick look at our HP34401A and AG34401A {readings}. These were acquired years ago with unknown history and aren't used much these days, and never properly calibrated since acquired.

1.001484mA     {1.001779mA}
100.3637uA      {100.0724uA}
10.00111uA      {10.04446uA}
4.99031uA        {5.026583uA}
497.396nA        {503.761nA}

BTW the above Dr Frank post obviously should be 501.66nA not uA on the 10M range.

Beginners / Re: Snubber circuit for MOSFET with inductive load
« Last post by PGPG on Today at 03:43:28 pm »
but I don't understand what difference there is between the two attached circuits.

I have no experience with snubber circuits, but if you assume R in snubber is 0 you will see the difference.

I have chosen is the IRLML0100TRPbF.

It is specified for Vgs=4.5V and you said nothing about your GPIO voltage.
Test Equipment / Tektronix 2712 Spectrum Analyser nvram data lost
« Last post by jemoa on Today at 03:38:54 pm »
I recently changed the back up battery to the gpib board and stupidly replaced battery on the display storage board. I have now lost the nvram data.
I need to do a flatness test which requires software which is unobtainable. Does anybody have access to this software. Many Thanks
Yes, you can for example make a custom rule to modify or ignore parameters inside a rule area, or simply inside the courtyard of a footprint. But there are (minor) bugs in this area that interact with how the interactive router works. The final DRC check is reliable though
Test Equipment / Re: HDD image request. Teledyne LeCroy HDO6104R
« Last post by DaJMasta on Today at 03:37:51 pm »
Yes, this is a Windows-based oscilloscope, but it came with "windows embedded". I'm not sure if everything will start with windows 7 or any other. I would be very grateful if you could tell me where to download teledyne lecroy software. And whether it is in the public domain.

I've done the same on older LeCroy scopes, R&S analyzers, and more.  Bottom line: there is a regular PC on an industrial motherboard in there, so you can install regular Windows on it.  LeCroy makes their main platform software updates free to download from their website, and this platform software includes hardware drivers for their more recent scope models (though older models generally have an extra package available), so finding and getting it shouldn't be a problem, but if it is, it's likely because of sanctions imposed on your country for its role in the current political situation in the region.  If that is the case, you are likely barred from officially acquiring the software for the time being, and it would either take a third party circumventing these sanctions providing it to you (which could get them sanctioned), or if there was someone within the country that had downloaded it prior to the restrictions and was willing to share.

I don't think the A or R is significant in a meaningful way.  There is a chance the software pack differs, but the hardware is almost assuredly identical and the designation is probably for sale specifically in that region.
I thought it was pretty funny that R&S would use the Bird 43 as the first meter they show.

I'm glad you liked it - I spent a lot of time making those graphics. :)  I haven't finished that presentation yet, but here's are my draft notes on what the slide on "unidirectional wattmeters" needs to say. (see attached)

But I guess now I'll have to change "are" to "were"  :'(

Proving once again, it is the gold standard.

I included a slide on these because they are the "old" way of doing this, at least from a professional point of view.  The ham in me (KO4LZ) very much wants to collect instruments like this in my old age :)
CR202 Removed;
Measurements still the same :
00,1M range - 0.36μΑ
000,1Μ range - 0,36μΑ

next step ?
Metrology / Re: Solartron 7066 EPROM firmware wanted
« Last post by DVM-James on Today at 03:29:22 pm »
Hello again,
it would be interesting for some people to know more about the reference-numbers of that regarding resistors. Are they on the power supply board ? I think this are 0,25 or 0,4 watts resistors 10 % - so You can use metalfilm ones.
It would be also interesting to know a little bit more about the problems You have or had with Your 7066.

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