Author Topic: [Rant] Since when paper saving has been a crime  (Read 6323 times)

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Re: [Rant] Since when paper saving has been a crime
« Reply #50 on: July 17, 2019, 07:48:10 am »
Its ironic that its the progressives that want to help them most... through better public education and accessible higher education and healthcare.
You can't help idiots by education.
Egalitarians will never get it and you will never understand that leaders like Hitler or Trump are elected precisely when egalitarianism/liberalism/globalism/democracy/etc get thoroughly debunked by the very act of trying to make them happen.

In reality, literally half of the population is below 100IQ. But yeah, intelligence is a social construct and genetics is a pseudo-science invented by bourgeoisie to justify racism and aristocracy. I have heard it all, the Soviets figured it out 80 years before American Democrats did :P

Offline windsmurf

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Re: [Rant] Since when paper saving has been a crime
« Reply #51 on: July 17, 2019, 08:39:16 am »
Its ironic that its the progressives that want to help them most... through better public education and accessible higher education and healthcare.
You can't help idiots by education.

Not all persons doing "trained monkey" work are idiots.  Many are there due to difficult life circumstances, and are unable to get out.

Egalitarians will never get it and you will never understand that leaders like Hitler or Trump are elected precisely when egalitarianism/liberalism/globalism/democracy/etc get thoroughly debunked by the very act of trying to make them happen.

My take on the cause of Hitler's rise is that he came to power, thanks to the Treaty of Versailles and undue economic burden imposed by the Treaty on the German people after WWI.  And just like Trump, he blamed ethnic minorities (Jews) and progressives of their day (Marxists) for all of the troubles of the German people.

My take on the cause of Trump's rise is the stagnation of the middle-class, which began with Reagonomics.

Egalitarianism/liberalism has nothing to do with Trump's rise; however, Trump is using, like Hitler, egalitarians/liberals and Ethnic Groups as targets of his demagogic rhetoric. 

In reality, literally half of the population is below 100IQ. But yeah, intelligence is a social construct and genetics is a pseudo-science invented by bourgeoisie to justify racism and aristocracy. I have heard it all, the Soviets figured it out 80 years before American Democrats did :P

Sure, there are many people with low IQ's.  Progressives don't doubt that.  What we don't belive in doing is kicking them to the curb to rot and die with no healthcare and no support.

Sorry this has gotten off-topic...

One of these days papers will be eliminated, and paper trails won't be necessary with blockchain authentication and verification.  So in the future, Blueskull hopefully won't have to deal with missing papers...or any papers at all.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2019, 09:14:21 am by windsmurf »
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Offline thm_w

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Re: [Rant] Since when paper saving has been a crime
« Reply #52 on: July 18, 2019, 08:58:23 pm »
I forgot to mention the best part.

I also attached a form that gives them consent to contact me in Emails, and of course, my Email address and phone number.

They didn't bother to send me anything before shipping the entire application package back to me :palm:.

To their credit, the regulation does say that they are supposed to send me acceptance notification to my Email address if I filed the consent form, not rejection notice.

But I would be very appreciating if they can deviate a little bit from SOP and actually give me a heads up so I can send them additional pages ASAP.

Same thing here in Canada, at least for immigration department:
- Sent application in with all of the required materials (they have a checklist you go through), included email and phone as required, linked to an online account.
- Many many months later rejection letter received saying "Missing this one document - denied", no email, no phone call, no possibility for appeal, the only option is pay $500 and start the application all over again. Literally could have uploaded the "missing" document to them within an hour if they had asked. :palm:

It is incredibly frustrating and I don't blame you for making a mistake like this, there are so many little things you need to know to "navigate" the system. Which is why a lot of people pay consultants, who've gone through many applications.
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Offline CatalinaWOW

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Re: [Rant] Since when paper saving has been a crime
« Reply #53 on: July 18, 2019, 11:08:18 pm »
This is pretty much EVERY government, EVERYWHERE. The rote workers who enter the forms are little more than robots. Then go page by page, if you leave out a blank page, then they are off by one page and they literally can't figure out what went wrong. That deep in the bureaucracy, you are not dealing with anything like the "best and the brightest".

 Even in private industry - although in private industry you can (usually) get rid of the underperformers - years ago we had to get a lot of paper records copied in to an electronic system, and the quickest way was to set up heads down data entry screens and bring in a bunch of temp workers for a few hours each night. Coworker and I wrote and tested the heads down system, which included double blind entry for accuracy and also included performance metrics. After the first night's reports were reviewed, it was nearly a shining example of the 80/20 principal, 20% of the workers did 80% of the data entry, the most reliably. We only had the top 50% come back the second night, and there was no reduction at all in data throughput.

Some of them may have been quite bright at one time.  But it doesn't take many days, weeks, months or years of stultifying work to dull the sharpest tool.  While it is true that those who are capable often escape these jobs before losing all of their edge, many circumstances can cause good people to stay on past their survival date.  And bureaucracies have golden handcuff policies just to keep people from moving around.  Why do you think those cushy pensions exist?

Offline tooki

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Re: [Rant] Since when paper saving has been a crime
« Reply #54 on: July 18, 2019, 11:55:15 pm »
You can't help idiots by education.
No, but lack of education and other mental stimulation actually creates more idiots: we know that unstimulated children’s brains do not develop as many neural connections as the brains in children with more stimulation. This does not, obviously, eradicate other factors, so not every stimulated kid will end up a genius. But lack of stimulation will cause some kids to never develop the potential they had.

As for the rest of your comment, it’s pointless drivel not worth the time to reply to...

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Re: [Rant] Since when paper saving has been a crime
« Reply #55 on: July 19, 2019, 01:36:24 am »
the required materials (they have a checklist you go through), included email and phone as required,
- Many many months later rejection letter received saying "Missing this one document - denied", no email, no phone call, no possibility for appeal, the only option is pay $500 and start the application all over again. Literally could have uploaded the "missing" document to them within an hour if they had asked
I never received a single email from the Government in my life. All is done via post office. Irecall they said they do not use email to communicate with citizens. And honestly, for you own protection , you do not want to use email . All of "Tax Office" and similar emails so far come from fraudsters.
Facebook-free life and Rigol-free shack.

Offline magic

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Re: [Rant] Since when paper saving has been a crime
« Reply #56 on: July 19, 2019, 06:03:01 am »
No, but lack of education and other mental stimulation actually creates more idiots: we know that unstimulated children’s brains do not develop as many neural connections as the brains in children with more stimulation. This does not, obviously, eradicate other factors, so not every stimulated kid will end up a genius. But lack of stimulation will cause some kids to never develop the potential they had.
It's all theoretical concerns and handwaving, while I actually come from place which already has free public education up to university level and people are as dumb as they have always been, of course. Some would probably be better off if they haven't been forced to endure the 10 years of mandatory primary educatation which exists here and still leaves little impression on them anyway. Teach them to read and write and let them work.

Automation hasn't made dumb people obsolete at all, otherwise those bright young starts of ours wouldn't be emigrating to the UK or masses of Ukrainians wouldn't be coming here. Because dumb jobs is the jobs those migrants predominantly do. Higher education is not a requirement to work in construction or as a cashier. It's just a matter that "smart" people thought they deserve to have those jobs done cheaper than it would cost to hire fairly paid local workers, who have families to feed locally for local prices and are already used to some minimum standards of living, unlike immigrants from ex-commie shitholes and even worse places.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2019, 06:06:02 am by magic »

Offline tooki

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Re: [Rant] Since when paper saving has been a crime
« Reply #57 on: July 19, 2019, 07:02:51 pm »
the required materials (they have a checklist you go through), included email and phone as required,
- Many many months later rejection letter received saying "Missing this one document - denied", no email, no phone call, no possibility for appeal, the only option is pay $500 and start the application all over again. Literally could have uploaded the "missing" document to them within an hour if they had asked
I never received a single email from the Government in my life. All is done via post office. Irecall they said they do not use email to communicate with citizens. And honestly, for you own protection , you do not want to use email . All of "Tax Office" and similar emails so far come from fraudsters.
For sure snail mail is the default of governments worldwide. But I have definitely used email successfully with both the county board of elections and the state motor vehicle administration of my home state in USA. I also get updates from the US embassy by email.

Offline tooki

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Re: [Rant] Since when paper saving has been a crime
« Reply #58 on: July 19, 2019, 07:03:30 pm »
No, but lack of education and other mental stimulation actually creates more idiots: we know that unstimulated children’s brains do not develop as many neural connections as the brains in children with more stimulation. This does not, obviously, eradicate other factors, so not every stimulated kid will end up a genius. But lack of stimulation will cause some kids to never develop the potential they had.
It's all theoretical concerns and handwaving, while I actually come from place which already has free public education up to university level and people are as dumb as they have always been, of course. Some would probably be better off if they haven't been forced to endure the 10 years of mandatory primary educatation which exists here and still leaves little impression on them anyway. Teach them to read and write and let them work.

Automation hasn't made dumb people obsolete at all, otherwise those bright young starts of ours wouldn't be emigrating to the UK or masses of Ukrainians wouldn't be coming here. Because dumb jobs is the jobs those migrants predominantly do. Higher education is not a requirement to work in construction or as a cashier. It's just a matter that "smart" people thought they deserve to have those jobs done cheaper than it would cost to hire fairly paid local workers, who have families to feed locally for local prices and are already used to some minimum standards of living, unlike immigrants from ex-commie shitholes and even worse places.
No no no, you misunderstand: if you didn't have public education, you'd have a lot more dumb people.

Offline thm_w

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Re: [Rant] Since when paper saving has been a crime
« Reply #59 on: July 19, 2019, 08:30:02 pm »
I never received a single email from the Government in my life. All is done via post office. Irecall they said they do not use email to communicate with citizens. And honestly, for you own protection , you do not want to use email . All of "Tax Office" and similar emails so far come from fraudsters.

Email is used for CRA, its just that there is no content in the email itself and it will say "new message, check your account online".
Immigration has a similar online system, but they don't make much use of it.
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