Does anyone else feel less enthusiastic about the hobby with the advent of laser welders ?
It is something that bugs me. I heard realistically the problem is that the part fitup must be spectacular, and this is seldom a realistic condition.
I can't be the only one that notices this on youtube etc. They make you feel like your on a 486 in the pentium days.
Regardless about the realities, it does feel like the hobby lost respect from common joes to some degree because of lasers. Small issue, but its nice to have some thing to talk about that they don't hear as "take me to your leader" but are also cool. Its not that far out, but its also I think in the mind of the general public less cool... and it seems to start to get associated with 'hicks' when its a commoner process. oh well. I think tig was actually "sick" about 15 years ago, now its maybe on fairly cool. But it does open up the interesting funny scenario where the guy that wants the best of everything got his motorcycle trailer laser welded, and say it falls apart on the highway because its so hard to apply.... aka hillarious pop-sci engineering specifications for custom work by rich people that try to peacock with technology.
Currently the king for this type of scenario is carbon fiber, which is used solely for the cool factor in many applications, i.e. corroded carbon fiber expensive shit, or ritzy carbon fiber brackets, panels, etc but laser welding is bound to get some points here eventually when it proliferates a bit more. Historically I think lost diamonds that are mounted weak are the leader.... nothing like figuring out you lost 20k because a hair thin piece of metal bent out of the way.
Another small contender currently is exotic powder metallurgy steels for knives and tools. The yield of the materials is... semiconductor industrytype... meaning there are ALOT of defects that manufacturers don't want you to find. I have been following some powder metal steel stuff on youtube and it looks like there is a fair bit of defect-ridden knives that are being sold by reputable manufacturers, and conflict between manufacturers and steel producers (seems shady). You might wanna stick to the standard materials if you don't want to be running around with just a hilt. Even former quality manufacturers like leatherman are getting hit with this problem, i.e. premium multitool knives out of magnacut breaking on peoples "arc" multitools.
But another project anyway for welding is I wanna setup a argon curtain for my spot welder (super capacitor) that I built, since i have the dual flow regulator WITH a hose barb on it (victor). I wonder if you can get those spot welds to look dreamier. Due to the nature of the process, I think it will be a soldering job, because there is no need for a robust diffuser.