UPDATED: 2018_11_18
The circuit under Reply 37 (with recent post at bottom) has the output stage in between a low impedance (voltage setting) and high impedance (current setting). These are the 2 main classes I spoke off. The low impedance output stages are like the conventional voltage regulators, while the current setting stages are the low drop ones. Generally these two types use a different type of compensation, which might make the still missing compensation a real challenge. Getting the compensation right is about the main difficulty in a lab supply.
I have no idea what you mean here. The voltage and current opamps drive Q2 emitter, and hence the output darlington transistor in the same way for both voltage and current sense modes. Of course you have to compensate a feedback circuit. That is a standard procedure for all PSUs, in fact all feedback systems.
Incidentally, the handover from the constant voltage mode to the constant current mode is done by a diode AND gate and uses the reducing gm technique to help prevent the two control loops fighting with each other. The way that this is done is one of the features of this architecture.
The voltage adjustment in the feedback divider is another problem. This changes the loop gain depending on the set voltage, so the regulation would be fast at low set voltage and slower at a higher voltage. There are other supplies working this way, but it's still a weak point. It is relatively easy to solve by having a fixed divider and adjusting the voltage on the other side of the OP.
That is not true. The open loop voltage gain will be around 110dB (when the voltage gain of Q2 is reduced to around 1 in the future) whereas the change in feedback ratio amounts to a mere 2.5dB. You would get that much gain change between individual opamps of the same type, and with temperature changes. You also seem to be missing the point that the current through the 12K resistor is constant at 1mA.
I would like to see your calculations that prove that the voltage stabilization would be inadequate. I suggest that you would find the voltage stabilization would be highly accurate, way better than the average designs you see on the net etc.
Incidentally, PSU #27 has the same feedback arrangement, yet you said not a word about that.
For a precision current regulation the OPs should get a separate negative supply from the reference: the current through the "GND / ADJ" Pin of the -12 V regulator also flows through the current shunt and depending on the regulator this current depends on the load current and thus the controlling current from the OPs. Besides precision this might also effect stability of the current regulation.
The three terminal regulator is not specified so how can you make any comments about its performance. Besides which, you greatly exaggerate the situation in a negative way. There are three terminal regulators with a ground current of 10uA. Anyway you are talking in terms of a precision voltage calibration supply, not a lab supply.
As shown the ripple rejection could be a problem, because the collector side of Q2 would be heavily influenced by the raw voltage. It depends on the details of the compensation however.
Of course, just the same as millions of other PSUs that use that architecture. Remember this is not intended to be a precision reference PSU. It is a general purpose lab PSU. Once again can I stress that this is not a complete optimized design. You must know that it is a relatively simple matter to reduce the effects of ripple, if necessary.
But I do agree that this area could be improved.
The high loop gain due to the transistor Q2 could be a real problem: the OPs kind of need some extra gain, as there supply is smaller than the output range. This also makes the compensation really tricky.
Everything is a problem with you. But what you are talking about are normal design procedures to solve so called problems. Besides which, the gain controlling elements are not included in the circuit- it is an outline circuit.
The current regulator works with the OP at its upper supply edge. This can be tricky with some RR OPs. So one has to be careful with the choice of OP here. Especially at some 1-2 V below the upper limit RR OPs may behave a little odd. The voltage regulator also works at it upper supply - though this might change anyway.
This is just general lecturing. The opamp that is specified, OPA191, is quite happy working at VCC. Incidentally both the current and voltage opamps are working at VCC. Besides, it would be a simple matter to change the opamp for one of the many over the rail types.
You do not know what the regulator is, so how can you make such a statement. Besides which, it is not a problem that can't be easily fixed. But you are not correct even if you are assuming an LM337, which has a maximum Vin to Vout limit of 40V.
The maximum voltage possible on the negative regulator input is -1* ((25V * 1.414) - (1V +1V)) = -33.35V DC. That in itself is withing the 40V ipV/opV rating of an LM337. But as the LM337 output voltage would be -12V, this means the voltage across the LM337 would be -1 *(33.35V -12V) = -21.35V. So well within an LM337 ipV/opV limit.
For the relatively low power level in question here (e.g. 0.5 A and up to about 30-35 V raw voltage) I don't think one would need switching of the transformer tap. It could be a good idea with higher power (e.g. more than 1-2 A) though.
At some 15 W of worst case power loss, cooling it not that difficult either and one could getaway without a fan.
I am suggesting going for 1A. Besides which, if the facility is there, why not be aware of it as a possibility.
I find your comments completely negative and general. You could make the same sort of critisisems about practically any PSU circuit. And none of your claims are backed by any calculations or figures- just sweeping statements.
You are also picking holes in a circuit which has been categorically stated as work in progress and for demonstrating the principle only.
But as I said before, as you have all this knowledge about PSU design, please lets see your design for his application. Or, if not at least recommend a PSU circuit that meets your criteria and the OPs.
Finally, on a general point, not only are you wasting my time, which could be spent on something more constructive than warding of your unwarranted criticisms of the circuit but, worse sill you will be discouraging the OP who may not have the technical knowledge to establish the degree and relevance of your list of problems as you put it.
After all that, I do appreciate you posting all the above information. It does give me a feel for how you think. And I am sure that your comments are well intended.