******************************** SCOPE FUNCIONS ***********************************
4654 50% triger
4313 50% triger
4151 colored trigger cursors
4200 new calculation of the trigger position
---- save a reload adding trigger data variables
224 changing the inscription usb connected to OFFUSB
7316 thumbnail-adding a trigger cursor color
7459 thumbnail-adding a trigger cursor color
6791 correction, forbidden marking of deleted thumbnails
1511 green box run-black text, stop red box white text
427 gren-black/red white button Start/stop
5085 Add calibration osffet horizontal triger, +x move right, -x move left ,scope_display_trace_data
3606 Select All/Clear add button in measures_menu
4401 Change chek scope_process_trigger - for high f ,canceled since version 0.015
5226 Filtering values on the display (prevsample+sample)/2
1795 Changing the dimensions of the button and moving the overall placement of the RTC wheel scope_trigger_settings
4735 Called the function to change the color of the START/STOP button to green when AUTOSET is pressed
512 471 CHange next and prev function button (inverted) change text
******************************* State machine ************************************
973 confirmation calibration
2489 change dimension box (confirm delete yes/no) _|
1400 runstate change program position gren-black/red white button Start/stop
1896 Select All/Clear add button in measures_menu
128 Prohibited shifting of track ch1 if channel CH1 is switched off void touch_handler(void)
138 Prohibited shifting of track ch2 if channel CH2 is switched off void touch_handler(void)
527 After Autoset, it is not possible to move CH1 if CH2 is off. If ch2 is off, use touch for ch1
1462 CHange next and prev function button in wavwforms view (inverted) 1507
List of files where changes were made with line numbers (shifting occurs, so over time the line number will not fit exactly)