Thanks Dave.
OK... so that dot shows the polarity and voltag rating.... all 4 caps have identical markings, so all 1uF 50V... which is.... annoying.... real.... annoying, given that two of them decouple the 50V supplies... zero headroom, wow.... playing with fire here...
Looks like 50V was the highest voltage rating available, according to that table, but they could have at least put two caps in series couldn't they ?
Looking at the schematic, the amplifier runs on the +/- 15V supplies. The +/- 50V is used only to drive the deflection plates. So yes I guess any imperfection in those overstressed tantalum caps will transfer straight to the trace on the screen... so worth replacing those caps indeed.
Just looked at my two local shops. They both have cheap dipped tantalum (just don't ask for a datasheet or who makes them, I guess...), and well, both shops have only 35Volts caps max.... hmmm.... OK. So I will put two 2.2uF 35V caps in series to get about 1uF 70V. 45 cents each and local pick up down town... it's within my budget
Though to be honest it would be mayb cheaper to order them from that other local-ish shop (40 miiles away). 5 Euros shipping... might actually be cheaper than wasting 3 hours to endure teh traffic jams to get to town center and back, wasting lots of petrol and wearing out teh clutch brakes and suspension and engine at every of the many many many many... countless speed bumps, one every 100 meters or so... it's a French disease... I think I will soon buy an old Jaguar just so I can ride over the speed bumps like on a magic flying carpet.
Anyway, so I guess these caps will be replaced early next week then. That will be one more thing out of the equation.