Hi everyone, newbie hobbyist here. I recently got a E4 (e63900 t198547)that won't boot pass the logo screen, that is screen is blank after flir logo. It seems like a hack gone wrong
I am using a windows XP vm, and can connect through FTP to after connect through usb on the first time (anonymous/NcFTP@, flir/3vlig says bad username/password)
after install Flir drivers and flir tools:
upon usb connection: ThermaCAM connect 3" \\IRCAM4007\Images information = 1326 Logon failure: unknown username or bad password
flir tools: import: no sources was found
FLIrInstallNet's :
get versions: Product identification is simply "Qx", OsImgKit 18.1.20, application up status is "DOWN", all the rest is blank (sw combination, appkit,bootloader, confkit, prodkit and serial number)
Check installation: CRC Appkit failed
I have downloaded all files through FTP:
/FlashBFS/system most files were last modified in DEC 2014, with common_dll.dll, bootlogo_legal.bmp rainhc.pal. lava.pal and arctic.pal last modified in OCT 2018
/FlashFS/System/appcore.d/config.d/conf.cfc is last modified in OCT 2018 as well
There is also an thermal image with 320x240 resolution in FlashIFS/DCIM/FLIR_100 with a timestamp of OCT 2018 20 minutes BEFORE last modified timestamp of common_dll.dll and conf.cfc
I have uploaded the entire files directory (zipped) here with timestamp preserved
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wuA9_M5r9ACP5AUs2fRWBD9n1PhAw4vV/view?usp=sharingI have read through a lot of the posts but I never found a similar situation. Is this one doomed? What other diagnostics process should I try first?
Thank you all !