I have RF test facilities up to 1GHz and hope to check the actual amplitude vs frequency response of the scope rather than measure rise times.
I'm planning on doing this by using the scope itself just as an indicator, with a direct coax feed and no probes, so that the measured results rely only the calibration of the signal generator.
With a background in "conventional" analogue and digital design I'd be the first to admit that my understanding of the digital processing that goes on in something like the DS1052E is strictly limited, but there does seem to be something going on under the bonnet of the 1052 that, to me at least, is quite a lot more complicated than I first expected!
Given that my main measurement interest is in analogue RF I set out a few days ago to confirm the bandwidth of my 1052E with 1102E conversion using analogue measurement techniques rather than pulse driven rise time measurements.
Following my initial tests I quickly realised that indicated amplitude, of a periodic waveform at least, both on the scope display and as measured by the scope, varies with both vertical and horizontal settings. Changing the vertical range can indicate a different amplitude for the same signal and having too many cycles per division horizontally adds distortion and also affects amplitude measurements.
Oh well, so far at least I'm learning some limitations as I go along!
Vertical range variation was, hopefully anyway, eliminated by keeping the scope on the same setting and just adjusting the level at the signal generator.
The horizontal setting was a bit more awkward, you can't swing an input frequency over a 150MHz range without adjusting the timebase, but trial and error indicated that adjusting it such that one cycle of the waveform occupied between 1 and 3 divisions gave a reasonably stable result.
Using an attenuator pad on the output of the generator and a transformer based splitter to supply both channels via 50ohm feed through terminations, I was able to remove any scope probes from the measurement chain, so far so good, and at least establish that both scope channels are very closely matched.
What I measured though didn't seem to be very consistent or to make much sense, sometimes I could measure a -3dB point around 110MHz but at others the response seemed to be almost flat up to around 140MHz and then tailing off quite noticeably at 150MHz.
Today, using either one channel or both, I could not persuade it to change from being almost flat to 140MHz.
That lack of consistency certainly concerns me but, for today anyway, it was consistent enough so I just assumed this might be an artefact of using a modern DSO on a repetitive waveform and that the processing was biasing the result.
All very nice but perhaps a bit too good to be true.
Sooooooooo....., and this is where I really starts to lose the plot, I decided that perhaps I should try a rise time measurement after all.
Feeding the scope from a fast rise time impulse generator, originally intended for the calibration of surveillance receivers at frequencies up to 1GHz, has resulted in a very clean displayed pulse with reported rise times of around 2.5ns.
Jitter seems to be swinging this between approx 2.2 and 2.6ns but it still seems to be indicating a bandwidth of around 150MHz!
So what am I supposed to conclude from all this?
I was happy to accept that my analogue bandwidth measurements could be wrong but now my risetime measurements seem to confirm them after all.
Can my 1102E conversion really have 150MHz bandwidth?
Is this suggestion totally unrealistic?
Can anyone explain exactly what's going on here?
Answers on a postcard please..........:-)