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It is like registering use of green bottles.

I wondered why I hadn't seen many of those lately  :-//
Microcontrollers / Re: dsPIC33A: new 32bit DSP!
« Last post by glenenglish on Today at 09:18:57 am »
dsPic were good in their time (2003-2013) , they were quite handy with true circular buffer addressing, but these days they are run out of town by cortex M4, M7.

OK, so they M4, M7 dont do circular addressing,
But they make up for it with multiple issue ALU/FPU  and fast clocks...
Beginners / Re: RC oscillator
« Last post by BrianHG on Today at 09:16:23 am »
I would have done this with a 74HC14.  If I needed a near sine wave output, I would have RC filtered the 74HC14's output.
the thing is, if you want the device to do anything else, it will be very awkward and messy dealing with all the asynchronous IO
so just use FreeRTOS+TCP.   

I have NFI why people persist with LWIP , that's like 1980s stuff for 4 bit microcontrollers.
"Chat GPT says "
LOL, sir you really must not believe anything it says.
it has no concept of true or false
I likely won't live to see it, but I foresee a world of ubiquitous, safe, DC power in the future.
Case study: Japan

In case you weren't aware, Japan operates two AC grids, Western Japan runs at 60Hz and Eastern Japan runs at 50Hz (as a result of war rebuilding with electrical generating equipment sourced from USA & Europe, respectively).

The two grids have DC interconnectors, but they were inadequate to carry the load when the Fukushima nuclear plants went permanently offline, hence Western Japan has surplus energy, Eastern Japan had to ration power.

But think about why they didn't just agree on a single grid.  The logistics of swapping out existing infrastructure makes it unpalatable.

The same argument applies to why AC power grids will never become obsolete. 
Rohloff is a air tight oil bath gearbox, i don't know what can happen with the gradients of pressure of a plane trunk.

The part of the plane intended for travelers is pressurised, just as the hold! And even the toilets are pressurised.
And even considering a residual little gradient of pressure, I don't think it's a problem that the Rohloff engineers didn't take into account.

There are professional cycling teams constantly loading and unloading their bikes from planes, even long flights, such as USA--Australia.

In the endurance sector, some of these bicycles are equipped with Rohloff hubs with belt pulleys rather than chain crowns and sprockets, and not a single Rohloff ever exploded! If it had happened, with what it costs, they would have plastered every corner of the internet with this news.
Yeah, still, I would wait until I get an explanation from Andrew before making a judgment.

The whole discussion started when Ania showed me in detail her course on operating system architecture and the related labs.
Never sell your old university books hoping they have improved in the last 10-20 years.


Does anyone have an older version of Rohde & Schwarz NrpToolkit.exe? Something like version 2.1. I know the latest version is on the Rohde & Schwarz website. But I am specifically looking for an older version with the power viewer as below. I lost mine.
For a more modern and more "usable" microkernel, I would rather look at seL4 these days.

Xinu is quite old.
Yet another educational toy.
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