I remember the LTC Milpitas wafer fab change notice because it included LTFLU1A/SZ263 - which I thought were long obsolete.
It seems to have been wiped, I will keep digging see if I saved it. ADI is not saying a peep about it now.
Anyone know for sure where the LTC refs, including the new ADR1001 are being fab'd?
Other LTC parts i.e. PCN 19_0067 - June 2022 Product/Process Change Notice - 0.35 micron wafer fab from Hillview CA outsourced to
Vanguard International Semiconductor Taiwan (subsidiary of TSMC). I suspect they are doing the ref fab.
Also hermetic packaging was outsourced, "22_0324 Feb-2021 ADI Philippines (ADPI) as an assembly plant to replace ADI Hillview for commercial hermetic products in TO5, TO39 and Sidebrazed Packages. {LTFLU1A, LTC1100-10, LTZ1000A}
My point is outsourcing advanced IC technology doesn't go well because the IC's are not yet commodities. It's a bean counter approach. You can't just play Lego with this stuff.
I imagine it's special fab process/lithography, a lot of specialty burn-in and test and manual labour involved- which is not mainstream.
I could be wrong and the production delays are something minor...