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Test Equipment / Re: Hacking the Rigol DHO800/900 Scope
« Last post by Andromedoh on Today at 09:40:05 pm »
New header bar

(Attachment Link)

The "New Header" version has been released in the repo.

How do I install it Mrisco? theres no instructions.
RF, Microwave, Ham Radio / Re: Biquad yagi design?
« Last post by cadr on Today at 09:36:16 pm »
Maybe this article can help you. It is well documented and can be a starting point.

Thank you!  That is a great start.
Test Equipment / Re: SDS800X HD Bug Reports + Firmware
« Last post by shapirus on Today at 09:32:33 pm »
I really, really hate to post a reply here, because it will make the thread start popping up in the "new replies to your posts" section, and I have no immediate interest in Siglent scope bugs, but I finally have to, it's just unbearable.

@eTobey, pretty please, read this:
and this:
and this in general:

I mean no offense, truly. It's for everyone's good.
Other Equipment & Products / Re: Pace ADS200 soldering station
« Last post by thm_w on Today at 09:32:14 pm »
Yeah there is no capacitance on that VAA rail shown in the schematic, 30V peak then RMS would be less, 21.21V in this case not 24V as I had used.
21V RMS, then absolute maximum peak power is ~112W.

If there is capacitance, then RMS would be higher. You'd need to measure the scope waveform.
Microcontrollers / Re: Memory model for Microcontrollers
« Last post by MK14 on Today at 09:31:33 pm »
(As already mentioned) In the following thread:

Kittu20, seems to admit to using AI (ChatGPT etc), to formulate the questions, which perhaps explains why they appear to be a bot, even if they aren't.

I've asked  questions because I'm genuinely curious and eager to understand a particular concept. English is not my first language, so I used AI to  format my question. However, I know that ChatGPT can't replace the real-time work experience and expertise that individuals in the industry have earned through their careers.

So, it perhaps is no surprise, why so many people seem to think they are a bot.

for me all have worked very well. Job well done with PDF @BTO :-+
The only small misalignment I have had was at point 16, where it says that script without parameters will run same way, meaning two progress bar should appear. In my case I have just got info that CFRAM is OK and then got the activation list screen, no progress bars. I have just went down the PDF file and at the end all worked super good.

But it's true that I have had to import some libraries via pip

All in all it works, and excelent work with providing all the details @BTO

Above are double stacked pulleys front and side views. One disc on either outside part and one disc in the center that splits the two bearings up. I have to add a black string across the bottom to prevent the yellow rope from skipping over the center pulley disc and hopping into the bearing next to it so that both ropes are sharing the same bearing and rubbing on eachother. That's bad. So a black string running across the bottom will make that jump impossible. So still have to add that. But overall, as long as tension is kept on this setup, it works well. I've tested it and it is working nice and smoothly. Still needs more testing but so far so good. You can see that all my knots and strings are coated in super glue. This is to prevent the knots from untying and just solidify everything more. The clear plastic discs are firm but flexible with great memory to bounce back to prior shape if it is bent temporarily out of alignment. Pretty decent and nice and thin. I think they are less likely to break than a 3d printed disc. I cut these tiny discs just by eye with 4" straight titanium embroidery scissors.
Here are some prototype pulleys in progress of being made. I have 7 of 9 pulleys done so far for my prototype Archimedes compact pulley system design 64:1 downgearing system. The total size of the 64:1 downgearing system is 11cm x 6mm x 1cm. This is a very convenient form factor for placing lots of these in the elongated spaces of a humanoid robot where muscles would normally be located.

The total draw of the cable wrapping around the motor's output shaft is 24in and since it is 64:1 down-gearing, 24 / 64 = .375" is total draw at finger. This works out well I think because that is about the amount of movement I expect is needed to fully bend the index finger at these two distal joints. When we do down-gearing for other joints in the human body, more cable draw will surely be needed like 2" of draw etc for various muscle contraction distances elsewhere. So for this, to still pull off 64:1 down-gearing, we'll have to modify the complex pulley system and the total size of the system will end up being significantly larger. Some of these more powerful muscles will also need bigger and stronger pulleys to handle the forces involved with the bigger motors. So size goes up there too. We have bigger spaces to work with for that stuff unlike the ones we are doing now which is tons and tons of pulleys in small spaces handling the intricate fingers actuations. So keeping things tiny is a must for this part with the hands but not as big of a must for other larger and less complex and intricate parts of the body.
Projects, Designs, and Technical Stuff / Re: Homebrew Lock-In Amplifier
« Last post by RoGeorge on Today at 09:26:03 pm »
Also from Analog Devices:  AN-306, Synchronous System Measures \$\mu\$\$\Omega\$s
Microcontrollers / Re: RIP Z80
« Last post by CatalinaWOW on Today at 09:24:05 pm »
CPUs on a gate array makes no sense in new designs or where chip cost drives program cost.  But if there is a large software investment, or other large one time costs involved it can be a huge cost saving.
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