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Is only the driver missing?
Perhaps there is some sort of PowerPC running internally, similar to the TDS7K.
There is v5.2.1.3 software on There is also vxworks firmware inside. Install this and you should be good to go.

As for the drivers, I could not find them on What are you missing? Can you tell us the VID, PID, etc. of the device? A screenshot of the device manager would be better.
Power/Renewable Energy/EV's / Re: 1,000,000 km EV car battery?!!
« Last post by CatalinaWOW on Today at 12:47:27 am »
Yep, but it is not only about the "technological stuff" (most people do not understand kw/kwh etc.), but rather about a "tradition, or the way how we did it in past.." for people like me - who spent 5 minutes at the gas station and got a full tank.. I am pretty confident in say 5 years we will return to the old habits at the electron stations..  :D

PS: like - why I should care about my home charging equipment, about cheaper electricity times during night, etc. The owners of the "electron stations" should care. They have to accumulate the energy as cheap as possible somewhere/somehow, and sell it at the station the same way as we do today with petrol. And the new batteries and charging technology in the near future should allow to us - mainstream lazy people - to charge a full battery in say 5 minutes as it has been for last ~120 years..  :)

That five minute fill up hasn't been around for 120 years.  120 years ago those early adopters who bought motorized carriages hunted around for a hardware store or apothecary that carried gasoline.  Usually in on gallon tins, sometimes in quarts (metric people were much less common then, but had similar size containers).   Later five gallon and larger containers became available.  After more than a decade the first gas pumps arrived, which started with a hand pump that moved the gas into a graduated glass vessel on a pillar.  After the appropriate amount was in the glass vessel it was allowed to drain into the car owners tank.  This was faster than wrestling with containers of gas, but I am sure was more than five minutes.  A couple of more decades and pumps more like modern pumps became available, but the stop was still longer because the technology of cars of the time made it important to check oil and coolant levels at the same time.   

I am certain that the electric charging network will follow the same general trend,and probably on a similar time scale.  In both cases the technology is not the real limiter, it is the costs of implementation.
Something in this doesn't add up.  Sure you can track cell phones.  But knowing which phone to track when almost every man, woman and child has one is a much deeper problem.  Same principal applies to pagers, and now walkie talkies based on the latest news.

The implication is that the actor here has very deep intelligence in the Hesbollah network, and using this attack vector is at least partly being done to hide how that intelligence is being gathered.  Doesn't matter if it is Israel, the US (the obvious candidates) or Iran (who may feel that stirring up trouble is worth whatever damage happens to an ally, especially when there is someone obvious to blame it on) or some other party.  Several possibilities exist.
Beginners / Re: Oscilloscope advice
« Last post by tggzzz on Today at 12:34:13 am »

So, as I expected, the specific reference to CRT scopes isn't valid.


I said Particularly not specifically.

In English "particularly" means "specifically" and/or "especially". Or are you using another less usual meaning of "particularly? If so, enlighten us.

FFI see any dictionary, e.g.

Mostly based on mains derived EHT overwinds... very susceptible. But ... news flash ... moisture and bench test equipment are not best friends.

... I have had several 50yo Tek1502s that can be stored under 12inches of water. The main problem is the putrid batteries.

Strawman argument par excellence! Well done.   👏😃

A Tek 1502 is a reflectometer  it's not a bench oscilloscope. and it was designed to be sealed against moisture ingress...

My comment was meant to help the OP, if you want to keep your kit at the bottom of the Atlantic, please feel free to do so.




Your comment may have been meant to help the OP, but it was - as you have "clarified" - wrong.

As per your original statement "Particularly with crt scopes, it's a killer...", the Tek1502 is a CRT scope, combined with a signal generator.

It is a small instrument that fits easily on a bench.

>80% of the 1502s I've had have not been sealed against moisture ingress. One of them might have been, but I never put it to the test.

I have been working on a q&d implementation of the espBode code that will handle a UDP bind request. I think I am almost there, using your python code as a reference. But I am not understanding the next-to-last line of your process_rpcbind_request_udp method:

self.rpcbind_socket.sendto(resp_data, address)

Does this send back to the originating IP and port? How does it get the data length? I would have thought the format would be sendto(buffer, length) - but "address" doesn't sound like a length.

For that matter, I am confused by the line near the start of the method where you set address as follows:

address = bytesAddressPair[1]

This would seem to set address to equal the address of the buffer + 1 byte (maybe??).

As is probably obvious, some of my confusion has to do with minimal knowledge of python. Any help you can give will be most appreciated!

By the way, I tried to figure out if there was a way to contact you via the github repository, but I could not figure out how to do that. :(
Test Equipment / Re: NEW Keysight HD3
« Last post by ballsystemlord on Today at 12:28:18 am »
@CRTbrain ,
The behavior you have described can be replicated on my Rigol MSO5000 scope. I don't know how you feel about that, but at least you now know that this is not a Keysight scope bug. It does occur across scope makes/models. I'm attaching a gif so you can see what I'm talking about.

Please pardon the glare, I'm uncertain how to eliminate it when filming.
PS: I did try adjusting the brightness and contrast of the display without effect.
Beginners / Re: Oscilloscope advice
« Last post by tautech on Today at 12:28:15 am »
Even the $290 SDS1052DL+ will meet your needs although it's a pretty basic but reliable DSO.

Not readily available in the UK and where it is, it is a very poor feature/value competitor with the other models I listed.
UK is supplied from Germany HQ to which the UK sellers are regularly placing orders so models not in local stock can be sourced promptly.
That's why we don't stock SDS1052DL+ and instead settle for SDS802X HD as our base model 2ch DSO which are totally in a different league to even the others you listed.
So where is everyone with US flags in their profile recommending them actually shopping for Brymens?

This is exactly why I avoid Brymen. You have to pay a premium for them to get them in the USA, and without a warranty. The rebrands are overpriced, but at least some of them come with a good warranty. I think Greenlee has a lifetime warranty on at least some of them.

My favorite handheld DMM is an Amprobe 37XR-A that I bought in 2011 for $118. Unfortunately it costs 2 or 3 times as much now depending on the seller.
YX is a reseller. Period. Don't play with fire. Read the forum, plenty of these... I know the Chinese PnP market pretty well. Again, comb through the forum, it's all there.
Beginners / Re: Oscilloscope advice
« Last post by Xena E on Today at 12:08:22 am »

So, as I expected, the specific reference to CRT scopes isn't valid.


I said Particularly not specifically.

Mostly based on mains derived EHT overwinds... very susceptible. But ... news flash ... moisture and bench test equipment are not best friends.

... I have had several 50yo Tek1502s that can be stored under 12inches of water. The main problem is the putrid batteries.

Strawman argument par excellence! Well done.   👏😃

A Tek 1502 is a reflectometer  it's not a bench oscilloscope. and it was designed to be sealed against moisture ingress...

My comment was meant to help the OP, if you want to keep your kit at the bottom of the Atlantic, please feel free to do so.



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