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Hello xvr,I have found  NPN which is Ic=100mA Vce=30V shown below.
regarding  the compatibility between the SISS65DN and CGHV1A250F

I need to put 45V of the drain of the CGHV1A250F while the Vds of the PMOS can only have -30 Vds .
what Voltage source to put on the mosfet so i'll have +45 at the drain of CGHV1A250F?

NPN datasheet:


Hey everybody,

We're a startup (Lumoview) based in Cologne and Berlin, and we're on the hunt for a hands-on Embedded Software Engineer to join our team. This position is flexible, with options for on-site, hybrid, or remote work (within the EU). You should be proficient in C++, Python, Docker and Git. Familiarity with KiCad, STM32/STM32Cube and Linux would also be helpful. If this sounds interesting set up a short meeting with me here:

Best regards,
Microcontrollers / Re: Memory model for Microcontrollers
« Last post by peter-h on Today at 08:16:15 am »
Beautiful :)

And so obvious that this is purely a response generation exercise.
Buy/Sell/Wanted / Re: Canceled Because Thread All Shit Up by "tggzzz"
« Last post by tggzzz on Today at 08:16:12 am »
Although this forum has an overall laissez-faire attitude, it is far more restrained than other forums which I lurk at.
My personal belief is that real life already has its fair share of stress and complexity, to add a gratuitous quarrel with random strangers.

It is, to a large extent "self policing". The mods have stated that they largely rely on members to bring things to their attention.

It is also, as you mention, somewhat laissez-faire - but with a few hard boundaries.

Getting that balance right is tricky, and the mods+members have largely succeeded.
General Technical Chat / Re: Silicone vs. PVC measuring leads
« Last post by soldar on Today at 08:12:14 am »
its a toy beer bottle opener shaped like a electricians pipe bender and it could be used for bending test cable sized teflon wires (preposterously stiff)
Yes, I was just commenting on the practice of too many American sites who block outside requests.

I did see the page though as I have little trouble getting around these kinds of things.

Another web site that does this is

Access Denied
You don't have permission to access "" on this server.

And I shop there regularly.

On the other hand does not ship outside the USA but instead of blocking outside requests, when they detect a foreign IP they show a notice:
International customers can shop on and have orders shipped to any U.S. address or U.S. store.

The Internet used to be much more open but it is becoming a set of isolated islands which, IMHO, is not good.

With the emphasis on simple...
Test Equipment / Rigol DG800 burst/sweep wont trigger on external signal
« Last post by eTobey on Today at 08:06:39 am »

i tried using the ext trigger input, but i cant get it to work. But i could get FM modulation to work, so i think there is no issue on the "outside" of the device.
Using the manual trigger, it works.

Anyone else had issues here?
Test Equipment / Re: New Hantek DSO2X1X models?
« Last post by Aldo22 on Today at 07:58:40 am »
FWIW, if you have an old model with firmware 310X, I'd advise NOT to upgrade to any software released in 2024.
Buttons are not working properly (had to press up to 5 times for any button to work) and USB detection only works after a fresh power off/power on.

Which exact version do you mean?
I had problems with the responsiveness of the buttons with 3208, but with 3209 it's fine again. (I got my scope with 3205 btw).
Beginners / Re: Symmetrical adjustable regulator
« Last post by Roehrenonkel on Today at 07:57:32 am »
Hi Olegkuskhov,

the resistors between "out" and "adj" are way too high.
The regulators need a minimum current, take 124 Ohm or less.
My regular account is "t1d"
I went to reset my password. The process failed and neither my old, or new, passwords will work.
Please clear the fault in my t1d account and send me an email as to what I need to do next.
Once the t1d account is repaired, I will delete this temporary account.
Suggestion = The error occurred as follows... I use a password manager. The password reset process asked me for a new password. I had the manager generate the new password and I entered it into the form. The form then ask me for the old password, but it was already deleted from my password manager. I did recover the old password. However, neither the old, or new, password would work. You might consider placing the old password confirmation above the new password input lines.
Thank you for your help. It is much appreciated.
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