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.....Also, good to see that I'm not the only one that uses an ancient version of the browser :P
I use these files to watch youtube on Windows XP computers, I don't know a simpler and more reliable way. Yes, these files automatically replace useragent when accessing youtube and contain modern codecs. I have Windows 10 computers, but I find it extremely inconvenient to work with them.
General Technical Chat / Re: What do you WANT to buy?
« Last post by brucehoult on Today at 04:08:34 am »
I want to buy a board based on the Sophon SG2380 SoC, which should leapfrog the Arm A76 based boards such as the Raspberry Pi 5 and RK3588 boards such as Rock 5 and Orange Pi 5.

Hopefully H1 2025...
so in reality this means they will never again be able use any form of electronic communications so this will have to fundamentally change how they plan and coordinate their attacks.
The fundamental mistake Hezbollah made from this incident, was to rely on a single source supplier of equipment.

Of course, being a terrorist listed organisation, Hezbollah is probably unable to procure equipment from Digikey or Lowes like normal people, so they may have no choice in suppliers.
And the pagers blew up around the country, so they must have found a way to send the trigger message using Hezbollah's transmitters infrastructure.  Or how could they transmit the trigger message over such a large area?
By using a programmed timer. No need to hack the infrastructure. The ICOM radios did not have a transmitting infrastructure, yet still blew up.
The ICOM radios had a receiver.  They could receive a broadcast transmission to detonate.  This broadcast signal could potentially be transmitted from an overhead Israeli drone.
Well I purchased an KSGEFX9501 handle and its wiring is different to the Quicko FX9501 in that it is a 5 pin but:
Has no thermistor,
Shake sw is wired to P-
Is only 4 wires yet 5 pin plug.

Now it states for for V2.1S, V3.1S and V2.3 they are telling me it might not work.   And of course it won't.....i measured it out haven't plugged in in.   Apart from that its dreadful in that the finger contacts are extremely poor and not contacting properly on any  solder cartridge ring

Absolute waste of money.....even if i do wire it with 5 core.....yes i can correct the wiring but the contacts are so poor its not worth pursuing
Firmware v1.42
where are versions 1.40/1.41? :D
General Technical Chat / What do you WANT to buy?
« Last post by Bryn on Today at 03:41:27 am »
An inverse of the "what did you buy" thread...

For me, I want to buy a USB cable for a Canon Selphy C1000 photo printer I bought months ago (stupid for Canon to not include it), but the trouble is I don't know what connector type is required (and if anybody can help with that, I'd much appreciate it).

I've also been wanting to buy something that checks the charge of batteries (one that can hold AA and AAA preferably, as I have a mixture of these in a drawer). Been trying to scout for that for months on Amazon but no luck...

So, what about you? :)
Test Equipment / Re: FNIRSI-1013D "100MHz" tablet oscilloscope
« Last post by luisprata on Today at 03:40:15 am »
Hi folks,

I've notice that new fnirsi model dpox180h has the same f1c100 and FPGA, but it´s capable of annouced 50.000k waveforms/sec ... Does anyone have plans to reverse engineer this model too?  How can achieve so high refreshing rates?

Can you clarify what you mean by "power cycle"?  Is this a power failure, or is power deliberately switched off every day?  If the former, perhaps you could just get a small UPS that would keep everything running when the power goes out.

The unit is a lighting system for fish tanks so it can be switched off, though I'm not sure how often that will happen since it's not mine and I don't own any fish.

Is the MT48T12 in a socket?  Could you possibly post pictures of the top and bottom of the circuit board?

No, it is not in a socket, it is directly soldered to the board. But that's not a big deal, I have a very nice hot air re-working station if I have to remove it. And, here are a couple of images showing the component:

Would you be replacing the whole board, or just the MT48T12?  Digikey carries the MT48T12 for $25.

The board is not replaceable since I would have to design a new one from scratch and I have no clue how they programmed this MC ... it's a rather complex lighting system that is able to adjust the lighting color and intensity based on several factors such as the position of the sun, the moon and it's phases and even which hemisphere the unit is in... having read some fish forum posts from the mid 2000's apparently this unit was quite the "catch" (punn intended) for fish owners LOL.

You can read more detail on the unit in this post (scroll down to my last post in that topic):
Thanks shabaz, that's my take on how things work too albeit with only limited SA experience over the last 10 yrs.
I think its on the other side, matching the diagram noisyee attached.
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