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It goes without saying, that the soldermask color plays a very significant role.

For instance, a black or blue soldermask would require either a white or yellow silkscreen. I prefer yellow, but that is only a personal preference.
Many thanks.  Sorry my typo.  I meant solder mask instead of silkscreen
Hi there

Hoping there is someone in here who can help me with some debugging of the pi programming method.

Purchased a pi 4 (wanted one for other tinkering anyway) and downloaded the image
Topped up the 7 Dyson cells manually , and made connections between the Dyson battery and the pi as per the wiki
However, on pressing the black lever on the battery pack (and getting a flashing red led), and powering up the pi, all I see on screen is a repeating pattern of restarts and firmware not found messages
I am brand new with raspberry pi, so don’t know enough to decode what else is being shown to me on screen

Anyone got any clues?

I have access to an oscilloscope so if I knew what to look for, could look for activity on the reset and data pins.

Any help appreciated
I setup my scope and did the measurements exactly like you suggested. I'd like you to comment on if I got the math right. Your description wasn't 100% clear to me.  The default was 11 frames, which I'm guessing is what you meant by "segments".

I tested my scope this way over 10 times for statistical accuracy in my results. My results are rounded to within the last 3 significant digits. Please note that sometimes I'd get results in seconds and sometimes in us, thus the discrepancy in the data.


With the outliers we get an average of 3.468 . 1/(3.468/11) == 3.172wfm/s.
Without the outliers we get an average of 0.000054964 . 1/(0.000054964/11) == 200130.995wfm/s.

Under slightly different settings than you specified above (1K memory depth, 100ns/Div, 500mV/Div, 300ns square wave period, 2Vpp), my DMM was giving me ~92.096KHz for the trigger out of the oscilloscope. I believe, based on the data above, that the DMM is correctly measuring the oscilloscope's trigger out and the oscilloscope's counter, on channel 4, is incorrect.

Thanks for your help so far. What do you think?
Wow.  Lot of stuff to take in here.   :o

I picked up an inexpensive unmodded DS1052E

   Software version
   Hardware version 58.

I have the extended info screen but it's not clear to me which number is the firmware version.  Is it the '3.01' above or the  'FPGA:03.07'

The Rigol site shows latest firmware for DS1000E as:

If I install the latest 4.04 firmware, can the scope still be modded to 100Mhz, or will it have to be reverted to 2.02 first?

Is there a way to mod the 3.01 firmware without reverting to 2.02 (it's not obvious from looking through this rather long thread)?

If the 3.1 firmware can be modded, does it then make sense to update to the 4.04 firmware after the mod or will that remove the mod?
Other Equipment & Products / Re: A few asking about Metcal MX series
« Last post by NyaaX_X on Today at 01:34:34 am »
So, here is my case.

If I only apply soldering tip at left output channel.
It can change left output (ready), right output (open), and dual output (for seconds, display open),,,
If I only apply soldering tip at right output channel.
It can only change to left output (open), right output (ready). There are no dual output mode.

The class E amplifier seems need a proper tuned load, and LC impedance. Or the switching will loss their efficiency. And sometimes some loading as you said, the Vds will bounce to very high peak. (I read that metcal use a 500V MOSFET to handle this temporary high peak then switch off power for the open channel.)

By the way, is this normal that the hand piece get a little bit warm at the tip connector part?
Just a little.

And I am so unlucky this time shopping... My station LCD dsiplay the " cal comm rtc reset.." page randomly when I turn on the switch (I did not push the small button). Tbe output channel won't error switching during it heating up iron. So, I guess the small button were not stucking.

Since, I don't have properly grounding in my house. So, I short the neutral and ground with a jump wire. I have no idea if this will lead to that randomly display issue...

The resistor may have a higher value, 1M would work as well if the soft start behavior is acceptable.
My takeaway, R&S was limited to 25MHz min,  120W Avg.   

At 2:24, it states the sensor can be used with the NRT2 meter or a PC with the virtual NRT PC software.  It shows the connector but never talks about how this would connect to the PC.  I would have guessed the PC connects to the NRT2 and requires it to talk with the sensor.   But that is not what the video claims.   

CBers and hams need to yell "audio" into the mic and watch the meters live.  There was no mention how fast the bar graphs  are updated.  The Bird 43 is fast enough for both groups.  We saw that one with the PC interface running at 1Hz and the ham/CBer was pretty upset how useless it was.  I would think something basic like the update rate would be one of the first things mentioned and demonstrated in a video like this.   I didn't see a mention of minimum power or accuracy.   

The homemade one I demonstrated had maybe a 2kHz update rate.  I would need to go back and look.   I think I demonstrated it with signal levels as low as -30dBm.   Downside to that unit was my home made coupler was limited to about 50MHz.  I could have possibly characterized it and then compensated for the non linearity in software but as it was, I just used a simple point slope and called it a day.   There was a third or fourth order polynomial fit to that Bird 43 analog meter graphics I ripped off.   Far more math to get that to work.   :-DD

"Fuuunnnyyy thhiiinng", I have never yelled "Auuuddddiiiooo" into a microphone in my life, nor heard a ham, CBer, or anyone else do so, except the CB "Gurus" on Youtube, who seem to delight in it ;D

The usual test is to check the power on CW, then switch to SSB & say, if on a test load, "Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3".

On an antenna, a short burst of CW, followed by (in my case) "VK6ZGO Testing" or, if I expected someone to answer me, "CQ Test, CQ test this is VK6ZGO calling & testing."

Of course, a real test of an SSB transmitter ideally requires a two tone generator, even more ideally with a spectrum analyser as the device to look at the output.

Back in the "bad old days" at my old work, we tested our ISB comms Tx with a two tone generator & a selective voltmeter built into the exciter unit, to check intermods & channel to channel crosstalk.
For actual output power the Transmitters also had some quite good meters built in, which would show PEP.

Hell, that was so long ago that the exciters used Musa coax connectors!!

is that guy on the left George washington??
Test Equipment / Re: Micromaster LV48
« Last post by coromonadalix on Today at 01:22:44 am »
maybe / could be socket contacts problems / oxydation ? 
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