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Test Equipment / Re: 10MHz GPSDO by "BH3SAP"
« Last post by flash2b on Today at 06:41:20 am »
Even newer than my purple board (240617) so getting popular ?

Contrast on my GPSDO seems also have little effect turning the knob. Since there is no additional info on the firmware on the internet available we can only guess.
Beginners / Re: Snubber circuit for MOSFET with inductive load
« Last post by KKK on Today at 06:41:00 am »
VGS comes from an opto-isolator

If something driving LED in opto-isolator has the same GND as this circuit than opto-isolation is not needed.

You can consider using Inteli-FETs like ZXMS6006D.

The ZXMS6006D is perfect for my needs. I assume it has to be polarised like a normal MOSFET, right?

As far as the opto-isolator is concerned, the complete scheme actually allows the two ground references to be coupled or decoupled
Manufacturing & Assembly / Re: giant PCB holder
« Last post by pcprogrammer on Today at 06:40:27 am »
There is a solution for this.

These are magnetic so with a large steel base plate you can position these underneath the holes in your PCB. One drawback with these is that if you want to fix the board from jumping back up there is no way to grip it.

You could make up something yourself with magnets and standoffs where you screw the PCB in place. Or maybe these already exist, but I have not found them. Did not really look for it though.
General Technical Chat / Re: FranLab is getting evicted
« Last post by Andy Chee on Today at 06:39:10 am »
That's really a problem. When you know there are solutions.
We know solutions in America are rather drastic e.g. if you break a leg, they'd rather amputate than set it in a plaster cast

(ok, I'm probably exaggerating :P )
I´ve seen in a video that some of the former CRT manufacturers brought space down to earth to do R&D on open CRTs .

They´ve build huge vacuum chambers and a poor employee (or do some people want this job??) had to work there in something very similar to a spacesuit.

I suppose during construction of the vacuum chambers some people also have thought about moving the test station into orbit  ::)
General Technical Chat / Re: Your pet peeve, technical or otherwise.
« Last post by Siwastaja on Today at 06:32:46 am »
Lying electronics because "lying to the children".

My oven lies.  If you set it to 200C and watch it preheat, as it gets to about 195C it will jump to 200C and lock there.  While you have 200C set it will report to be 200C.

Of course it's not 200C.  Shortly after it past 195, 196... it continued to climb all the way past 200C to about 205/206C before the residual heat in the elements ran out.  It will then cool over the next 10 minutes or so to 195C again before the elements kick back in.  While they warm up it may fall even further.

Why does it always say 200C then?

Because otherwise the manufacturer and sales organization drowns in unfounded complaints. No sensible person likes that kind of lying, but try designing a product and putting it in market, and soon you will start understanding and feeling sorry for the designers who have to put time in designing various lie-to-customer algorithms, and as side effect, make products worse for everyone else.

And don’t get me started on digital kitchen scales… She would put something on the scales and it might show 326 grams, take it off then put it back on again and it might show 325 grams.

This is exactly why some digital scales (for weighing human beings) store some latest values in internal non-volatile memory and round any new measurement close enough to some of the previous numbers. This alleviates the neurosis some people have over their weight and small changes thereof, so it's beneficial to the users. Except those who try to use the scales for purposes they are not designed for, e.g. weighing some objects.
Has anyone tried to make a vacuum tube in space?

The hardest requirement, for a vacuum source, goes away.
That's not the hardest requirement of vacuum tube manufacturing.

The big problem with anything in space, is the cost of launching raw materials/fuel into orbit.  This is not an unknown quantity, it is calculated relatively easily with GCSE/high school level physics.
Test Equipment / DHO914 battery
« Last post by Murayama on Today at 06:29:30 am »
Just received a DSO9014.
Does anyone know if DHO914 can be powered with a battery?
I read something about batteries, don't use batteries except those recommended by Rigol, usual blah blah,
but I don't see any battery hatch on the case. I also tried to power it with USB-C on the back side (instead
of the power supply), and it doesn't work. They probably use a higher voltage. Any hint welcome.
I don't know, certainly not an expert, but is it not possible that bits in a FLASH or EEPROM flip due to EMI?

If so the only safe solution would be to have a bootloader in a mask programmed ROM. Without support to boot from an external memory not possible on lots of MCU's, which leads to the need to look for MCU's that do support this.
Test Equipment / Re: Zoyi ZT-MD1 - new LCR Tweezers
« Last post by Phil1977 on Today at 06:28:37 am »
If you look at the photo a little more closely, you'll see something interesting. If the FNIRSI LCR-ST1 uses a classic design (two channels, two instrumental amplifiers, a switch, PGA), then for some reason everything is broken in Zoyi. First, a switch, then ONE instrumental amplifier, PGA. I wouldn't switch "inputs" even in my worst nightmare, then you'll end up with a lot of crosstalk, but Zoyi isn't afraid of that.
I wonder why they did that?
That probably also explains why the Fnirsi is double as fast as the Zoyi.

I can't see any significant differences in accuracy though. I´ve done rudimentary comparisons to a tabletop DMM and to a handheld LCR meter and both tweezers match the results of the bigger instruments within 0.25% - that´s most impressive! Though I must admit I´ve tested quite "central" values only (10Ohm-100kOhm, 100pF-10uF).
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