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Your local paint store?
Beginners / Re: 1975 TMK Electronic Tester model 117
« Last post by coromonadalix on Today at 02:08:03 pm »
internals pictures and close ups  would help
General Technical Chat / Re: What do you WANT to buy?
« Last post by Bryn on Today at 02:05:55 pm »
but cannot for the life of me find a simple analog thermostat that is silver instead of white.
Will this do you? ;)
I'm running on 1.02.02 (I guess), and they're reverted 1.03 as far as I know. But thanks for the warning.
Beginners / Re: Is PFC worth it??
« Last post by coromonadalix on Today at 02:02:30 pm »

so   yes

i would say  for critical / sensitive / or precise stuff / long term stability

and getting rid of harmonics is very important too,  telecomm / communications ..
I guess you will be more likely to get help if you open
it and post photos of the PCBs, display and connector.
General Technical Chat / Re: What do you WANT to buy?
« Last post by Zucca on Today at 01:57:21 pm »
Always look at the WNR

more details here.

PS: the good old TEA, ahhh
Beginners / Is PFC worth it??
« Last post by aboubkr90 on Today at 01:55:53 pm »
PFC has become the standard now, a requirement actually. But no matter how much I tried I just can't wrap my head around that mosfet switching to ground.
I mean, What if we don't. Mains bulge? noise?
We still have to deal with noise and nobody lost 10% of the world's energy dealing with noise!!
Maybe because I come from software where efficiency outweighs functionality sometimes, But I find it really hard to accept that much wasted energy.
I believe that PFC should be restricted to medical and voltage sensitive devices. I personally don't mind the lighting flickering.
   Did some more checking, and the 1 khz seems to be generated mechanically; striationed organ in the Ant's body.  Apparently combing against that causes the vibrations, that make it to the mandible jaw.
   Mention was made that other ants can detect the vibrations, and go to join in, on that particular leaf being cut up.

   (I was looking for a more neurological type of action, in electrical terms rather than direct mechanical.)
Microcontrollers / Re: Reverse engineering an i.MX RT1170 based system
« Last post by tellurium on Today at 01:50:33 pm »
This is an MCU - even though a fast one - so no wonder it doesn't run Linux - because it simply can't

Offtopic, but but I was under impression RT1170 actually can run Linux
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