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There's no such thing as guaranteed problem-free limit for PCB layout. One of the most common PCB design fail around MCU[1] is to route fast GPIO next to its xtal, killing it or at least destabilize it upon toggle. 10MHz SPI certainly fits there, especially since SPI is hard push-pull drive.

[1] : Well, the oscillator driver where it tend to happen (early(?) STM32s) are so weak that you may conclude that no practical xtal are compatible with the requirement if you were to follow their design appnote for it.
My plan in the future is to use two different paths, with one going to a high frequency directional coupler and one going into the classic return loss bridge with balun. An RF switch could be used to switch between the two depending on the frequency, which would let you cover both frequencies in the low megahertz and mmwave frequencies.

Projects, Designs, and Technical Stuff / Re: Edge Detection
« Last post by ledtester on Today at 11:36:56 pm »
Implementation aside, considering the way OP describe the trigger signal I wonder if OP want the circuit to continue to delay and output the pulse if the trigger signal is de-asserted mid-delay. I certainly had encountered either variations, both were safety critical.

i think this is a homework exercise and the triggering pulse was specified that way to make the assignment easier.
Yes its lightweight, you could stick it to the desk or add something heavy behind it. Otherwise should be fine for what you want to do.
Test Equipment / Re: New Rigol DS1054Z oscilloscope
« Last post by MarkF on Today at 11:32:29 pm »
If that is the version I have installed, it does not let me calibrate and I could not find any information about what they improved.

Well, find out what version you do have!

Under the trigger knob quickly press the MENU > MENU > FORCE > MENU buttons.
Then go to the System Info page to see the extended system information.
Of course, and as I note above, ones that aren't viewbait are not the ones I was talking about. Hence why I specifically mentioned viewbait ones as my targets  ::)

But I don't blame people trying to at least cover the cost of making these videos, at least those that are interesting, even when the point could be made in much shorter time.
But I don't blame people trying to at least cover the cost of making these videos

If they didn't make the viewbait videos they wouldn't have video making costs to cover.

That's what happens when people use partial quotes. :popcorn:

The quote is to show exactly what I am referring to, as opposed to what you think I might be talking about. If you think it's out of context it doesn't matter because the entire context of what I am referring to is in that quote.

If you would prefer I would happily remove your nick from the quote so you're not associated with it. Main reason I didn't is because certain others complain that they can't scroll up to find where quotes came from.
Projects, Designs, and Technical Stuff / Re: Edge Detection
« Last post by ArdWar on Today at 11:28:46 pm »
Implementation aside, considering the way OP describe the trigger signal I wonder if OP want the circuit to continue to delay and output the pulse if the trigger signal is de-asserted mid-delay. I certainly had encountered either variations, both were safety critical.
But I don't blame people trying to at least cover the cost of making these videos

If they didn't make the viewbait videos they wouldn't have video making costs to cover.

Plenty of videos inherently cost money to make to be interesting, test equipment, tools might need to be purchased. If the video quality or lighting is poor it will generally get less views.

Not sure what you are trying to say here.

Sure, decent informative videos are fine. I am talking about the content-free videos put up because the producers think the world owes them a living and, hey, look at Mr Beast - wouldn't mind some of that.

And the ones that have some possibly interesting thing but they won't spill the beans until 3/4 of the way through a 20-minute ramble. They probably learned that from the Daily Mail ("This is the one thing you need to.. blah.. blah" - can't mention it in the heading in case no-one looks at the article).

Of course, and as I note above, ones that aren't viewbait are not the ones I was talking about. Hence why I specifically mentioned viewbait ones as my targets  ::)
Hello newbrain,

Thanks for the reply.  Of course, I read the manual too as you can clearly see from my post.  And it is absolutely NOT clear that the average "Types" in the "BW" menu refer to an averaging function you indicate provided over in the "Detect" menu anymore than the averaging parameters set over in the "Trace" menu or anywhere else.  It seems to be referring to some averaging bandwidth associated with the detection function that the menu the setting is actually IN - the BW menu - is related to though that's not explained.  And there's no explanation at all of the statement "When Trace Average is on, the average type is shown on the left side of the display" when the average type selected there is ALWAYS shown on the left side of the display no matter what is turned on and off - anywhere.  For example, when the item you list is NOT set to "Average Video" - say "Pos Peak" - the average "Type" is still shown on the left side of the display.  What is being averaged then ?  Sorry, I don't think your explanation actually explains this at all.

But thanks for trying anyway - much appreciated !
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