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Test Equipment / Re: ET5410 Electronic Load mod: add external sense
« Last post by MF-jockey on Today at 09:06:18 pm »
Solution with thermostat and parallel resistor 20 Ohm.

Measurements of fan noise
lateral distance 1 meter

Power      cold < 45°C   warm > 55°C

< 100 W      38 dB      53 dB

> 120 W      45 dB      53 dB

> 300W      46 dB      53 dB

Thermostat 45°C
Software threshold > 50°C (appreciated)
if you had someone else make and assemble the PCB they wouldn't need to know about stuff off the board. So I don't think they belong in the PCB/schematic. They are parts of the product, not the PCB
It's a trade off, you can have a perfectly lossless container (e.g. glass ampule) but they tend not be as convenient as something using a soft compliant seal.

Repair / Re: Agilent 34401A Bubble on PCB ... can it be saved ?
« Last post by Kleinstein on Today at 09:03:34 pm »
The votlages at pins 5 and 6 of U201 are a bit different, but this is likely from the loading from the DMM to measure these voltages. The voltages look reasonable.

Being some 4 % off with the 1 M resistor supports that the test current is too low.  Maybe try if the reading drifts just after turn on / warm up. If the issue is from leakage in the semiconductor, it is suspected to get quite a bit worse (like 2 x the leakage) with warm up. With leakage from a dirty PCB less temperature effect is expected.
Test Equipment / Re: Unified Keygen script for SIGLENT
« Last post by tautech on Today at 08:57:52 pm »
I believe the AWG & LA no longer need a license, so only PA is available in the latest firmware.

Thanks @ttelectronic, that would explain it!. There is still the SCPI issue with the web interface although I just used telnet for that, so maybe it's still worth upgrading
Exactly what ?

Jump over to and report it in detail:
Lots of possibilities.
I'd either:
1: ignore the outside placement of those parts and draw a simple schematic:
2: draw the outside parts on the main sheet, and place the rest of the circuit in a hierachical sheet.
Test Equipment / Re: Unified Keygen script for SIGLENT
« Last post by tautech on Today at 08:55:40 pm »
Hi my first post here,
Thanks to all that contributed to the keygen python script. My new SDS804X HD is now convinced he's a SDS824x HD   :-DD

But one thing I have noticed which may have already been reported; Before I did the upgrades I updated the firmware to V1.1.3.8. I would not advise doing this. The SCPI web interface doesn't work and also when you come to activate the software options you will not see any options available in the drop down list in the scope UI. After puzzling over this I downgraded back to V1.1.3.6 and then SCPI works and the software options were visible. So I think, based on this, V1.1.3.8 firmware has some issues. I will wait until the next release until updating further.

But thanks again to all of you that made the upgrades so easy!
::) ::)
So busy studying how to improve it.....yet never read the release notes for V1.1.3.8
Standard(ize) software functions of FG and LA.

Now get on with reinstalling it.
Test Equipment / Re: Unified Keygen script for SIGLENT
« Last post by housemartin on Today at 08:54:42 pm »
I believe the AWG & LA no longer need a license, so only PA is available in the latest firmware.

Thanks @ttelectronic, that would explain it!. There is still the SCPI issue with the web interface although I just used telnet for that, so maybe it's still worth upgrading
Repair / Re: Agilent Infiniium DCA 86100C HDD image request
« Last post by ARF on Today at 08:52:42 pm »
I'm still looking...
No, not +. Where can I get the latest firmware?
No longer available from Siglent websites.

Which version are you on as we may have a later version we can upload here buried in the archives.
.32 attached for old CML models
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