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Test Equipment / Re: Rigol DP2031 web password?
« Last post by Tjuurko on Today at 04:09:47 pm »
In "Quick Guide Dec.2022" there is no longer any mention of a password.
In "Quick Guide Apr.2022" it says: When you first log in to the Web Control, the user name is "admin" and password is "rigol".
Beginners / Re: Do "ideal diodes" actually behave like "diodes"?
« Last post by LooseJunkHater on Today at 04:09:12 pm »
Yes, think what happens if the right side is more positive than the left (ground is still zero). Mosfet will be on and current goes in reverse. Thus nit ideal diode, only reverse polarity protection.

Fantastic, thanks!
If you look for a simple soldering iron, I would recommend the Ersa 30. I bought mine in 1971 and it is still working.
The tip is quite big, so it is only for through hole components.
The Ersa Analog 60 is a true analog station and the tips for the Ersa stations are relatively inexpensive.


I wanted to choose a soldering station with cartridge tips, either T12 or C245, otherwise there are many stations with 900M style tips, there are many models.

The Ersa Analog 60 is around 200€, I didn't want to spend that amount:

Yes, I had seen the Ersa 30 on Amazon, there should also be the finest tip, without regulation I don't know what temperature the tip usually reaches, I'm afraid that too much heat will burn some component.
Not sure I follow: my two exhausted' ones read mV range and the two 'good' ones read 1.74V.

If I perform a 1W discharge test, either of the remaining two 'good' ones perform as expected, and in fact identically to two unused ones out of a different batch packet.

In other words the two 'good' ones are not on any sort of cusp of being worn out.

Unfortunately, I don't think the test you just described is valid.

That battery type, seems to hold up its output characteristics, for a long time, even if fairly run down, see datasheet for better details.

So all you might be seeing, is differences between the capacities, of brand new batteries.

I.e. Perhaps they are all exhausted, but some totally, and others have enough of a small percentage of life left, to 'appear' to still be good.
A musician asks:

"I plan to play an concert to a crowd that does not seem to have much musical education. How much out of tune I can play to consider it acceptable?.

That is how OP question looks to me.

Answer: instead to spend time figuring out how to cheat, just practice and tune your instruments perfectly. Slow designs or not, learning good practice is a long term goal. Slow designs will give you "forgiveness" that even if you don't do perfect work it will still work.

And 10 MHz clock SPI and 3ns edges are more than 100Mhz BW.  250mm (a quarter of meter) is long for SPI..
It is going to be nice antena..
That sounds fair enough.  Thanks
Other Equipment & Products / Re: Soldering station, simple and resistant
« Last post by shabaz on Today at 04:00:41 pm »
Really wise words there from @tooki and others.

With your revised 180 euro budget, I still would first strongly consider a used product.

I've got nothing against Chinese products, but for soldering irons for electronics design work, there are at least certain expectations that need to be very high; reliability, and earthed tip. Some of the clones will fail on the latter, and many on the former.

The clone handles are not the same incidentally (you mentioned it earlier), because the connectors are different, and internally, the contacts are not well formed. So that is almost guaranteed to fail, and in some cases might damage the station if the handle failure is catastrophic. Plus, there's a lot of plastic in some of the clones; the new clone soldering station will look ugly after some use, and will have almost zero resale value (in contrast, you could sell a broken genuine station and still find buyers willing to repair them).

If a used station doesn't meet it's description, eBay will refund you the money. If there is a fault, you'll likely notice it within a day or two. If there isn't an initial fault, then the chances are high that your used soldering station will provide you with good service for many years (more than five! and will be repairable even if the unexpected happens).

I looked at the eBay Italy website, it was hard for me to use it, but I couldn't see any decent used soldering stations, but your budget is now reasonable (180 euro), I think if you keep an eye out on ebay, you should be able to find something within a few weeks (or expand the search to EU if the shipping cost is not too much). For instance (this is just an example) there's a Metcal soldering station in the UK, you could make an offer (but I don't advise it unless you're absolutely sure of any potential customs fees; better to stick to EU).

Beginners / Re: Do "ideal diodes" actually behave like "diodes"?
« Last post by MK14 on Today at 03:59:24 pm »
The following fairly recent video (11 minutes 39 seconds long), seems to be an interesting and informative guide to ideal diodes, and using them, in some application(s).  Especially for anyone, who doesn't know much about them.

Computers / Re: Hyperthreading or not?
« Last post by mfro on Today at 03:57:49 pm »
...I'm surprised people are moving away from hyperthreading. As caches have become larger, it feels like more threads sharing the same space should be working out better than it used to...

My understanding is that is about energy efficiency/laptop battery life. An extra hyperthread apparently draws nearly the same power than a real thread on an additional core, but only adds a maximum of 30% of its computing power.
Beginners / Re: Do "ideal diodes" actually behave like "diodes"?
« Last post by Kurets on Today at 03:56:44 pm »
Yes, think what happens if the right side is more positive than the left (ground is still zero). Mosfet will be on and current goes in reverse. Thus nit ideal diode, only reverse polarity protection.
Not sure I follow: my two exhausted' ones read mV range and the two 'good' ones read 1.74V.

If I perform a 1W discharge test, either of the remaining two 'good' ones perform as expected, and in fact identically to two unused ones out of a different batch packet.

In other words the two 'good' ones are not on any sort of cusp of being worn out.
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