are the ventings there to allow the "magic smoke" to exit
Yes. My purpose was to see if you were thinking about this, to see if you could understand some basic design principles. You're getting better, but not quite there yet.
You see, I posted that rear panel picture, but left off an important design aspect to see if you would realize it. The rf input connectors need to have a reinforced area around them for strength. Who knows what coax cable the hams might use, and the area at that point would be a little too thin for the force of cables pulling on the connector. Now, you can see in the new picture, I have the area around where the connectors are a thicker dimension. You clearly missed commenting on that, which shows that you are a little too impatient with your observations. The actual rear faceplate pic is attached.
I think the best path forward for you is to keep following what Joe and I are doing here, and take in as much knowledge as you possibly can. We have much to give, and we have great hopes for your future capabilities. I'm sure you won't disappoint us.

Any concerns with the printed part cracking when the half inch thick cables are attached, tightened and then being moved?
Funny story - new ham around here a few years ago didn't know much about coax. He asked what kind he should use to go from his garage to his antenna. Everybody told him to get the best coax he could afford with the lowest loss. So what did he order? LMR-600. He didn't consider the difficulty of running that garden hose because he didn't look at the size of it. For you who don't know it's 0.6 inches in dia. sorta like a garden hose. But he didn't return it. He actually busted his a$$ and ran the stuff because he didn't want to be embarrassed telling us he made a mistake. It was a job he said he'd never forget.

But yea, of course I have concerns about handing it over to most of the hams I know for any number of reasons. Let me get one into the field and see how long it lasts. If they bust the rear panel I can use that as a data point for further design enhancements.