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Yes I have my 608 license as well and congratulations to you for replying, if you are still breathing, you are contributing to global warming.

The environmental impact of refrigerants is quite significant, though. The problem isn't only laymen illegally (or legally in some countries) doing installs and accidentally releasing refrigerants, it is also qualified professionals with attitude problems intentionally breaking the law and doing serious environmental damage.

supermarkets loose 25% of their refrigerant each year. this is normal.

the millions of pounds of r152a sold as canned air duster.. negligible in comparison

If 8 ounces of it, saves someone from being charged 2000$ to install their heat pump.. its a net benefit.
Doing bad things in the past doesn't make keep doing bad things a good idea right now or in the future.
Repair / Re: Rohde&Schwarz FSP HDD defect
« Last post by g7kbr67 on Today at 06:04:31 pm »
Hi Paul,

do you still need FSP image?

Hi Harry

I am still looking for  fsp40 IMAGE.


Hint: there is a good reason airco and refridgeration systems use liquid / gas phase changes to transport heat instead of using a liquid only. It is not because these systems are more fun to build.
You need the refrigerant loop any way, saves on an extra pump and heat exchangers. With multisplit and long distances, hydronic has no problem competing in airconditioning.
Beginners / Re: How do I find the matching solder points?
« Last post by susb8383 on Today at 05:59:21 pm »
Something else I realized. Again, remember total beginner.

When I just looked at the bottom of the pcb I saw lots of blobs. But when I looked at it a little sideways I could see only some of them had the ends of the wires sticking out from the components, so that narrowed things down.
If you need a reshipper from US to DE let me know. I am glad to help.
Test Equipment / Re: Iwatsu SC-7205 Universal Counter
« Last post by Thomas on Today at 05:55:17 pm »
Iwatsu Europe answered my email and sent me Operating and Service manuals :) Didn't really expect that, nice.

In the meantime I have found some Visual Basic ver.6 example code using wayback machine:
Got RS-232 communication up and running with the help from that.

FPGA / Re: SD card/SDIO 3.0 level translation solution
« Last post by KreAture on Today at 05:54:36 pm »
I actually wouldn't mind having only SD protocol available as it's much better suited for block transfers. Also many MCUs have SD/MMC peripherals, so it's not even that hard to find a suitable one for just about any application. I just wish that they would've designed some kind of magic combination of pull-ups and pull-downs to switch card to 1.8 Vccio as opposed to current commands sequence.

That's exactly what they have done. My code proved that it also works!
All that is needed is a single clock pulse of a long duration and card will acknowledge the switch before any commands are sent. All you need is to pull the pins low instead of high to start with, and give this 1.8v clock pulse. Card will respond with pulling DAT2 high (1.8v levels high). Once you start feeding it clock pulses the card will release the high drive on DAT2 after about 2 pulses and a slight delay.
As long as you want to communicate with card over SD protocol it is now ready for the normal init. Just remember that SPI can now not be enabled unless you power cycle card.
PCB/EDA/CAD / Re: PCB at home with resin 3d printer
« Last post by Warhawk on Today at 05:52:00 pm »
from the video: "tracks are 0.3mm and turned out great.."

-> No, they didn't. The quality is terrible. And I am saying this as a someone who has been doing home-made PCBs for a decade.

Thank's god I can order now cheap PCBs from local vendor (Aisler).

Yes I have my 608 license as well and congratulations to you for replying, if you are still breathing, you are contributing to global warming.

The environmental impact of refrigerants is quite significant, though. The problem isn't only laymen illegally (or legally in some countries) doing installs and accidentally releasing refrigerants, it is also qualified professionals with attitude problems intentionally breaking the law and doing serious environmental damage.

supermarkets loose 25% of their refrigerant each year. this is normal.

the millions of pounds of r152a sold as canned air duster.. negligible in comparison

If 8 ounces of it, saves someone from being charged 2000$ to install their heat pump.. its a net benefit.
FPGA / Re: SD card/SDIO 3.0 level translation solution
« Last post by asmi on Today at 05:47:23 pm »
It's really sad they added such a good idea to the standards only for it to be so half-assed in implementation.
The market simply did not get the supply of Lv cards that I think they expected.
For devices where battery voltage starts at 3.1v and goes down from there, it kind of eliminates µSD as an option for powering.
That's not entirely true. I seem to recall that standard specifies that cards shall work down to 2.8 or 2.9 V. There are many battery charger ICs which can maintain constant output voltage regardless of current battery voltage with very high efficiency, so that's also not a big deal. The biggest problem seems to be that all current NAND flash requires voltage higher than 1.8 V for programming, hence even eMMCs have two power rails - 3.3 V for flash and 1.8/3.3 V for IO interface.

LVS is nice for signaling directly from MCU but only if it can be done from the start. My tests show that this works, but only for SD protocol. SPI being disabled as soon as you trigger LVS detection seems like a very hostile act.
NVT4858 seems far superior to PI4ULS3V4857 in regards to the idle power draw btw and is only a bit more expensive. I will have to go this route in order to leverage the hardware for communication speed. It's a shame really, when the chips prove they can indeed signal nicely at 1.8v without any translator, but a complex protocol under NDA and license prevents it's use.

Btw: Receiving and sending data at high speed, synched to the SPI driven CMD channel for SD can be done by leveraging a UART peripheral module in synchronous mode using the SPI clock as clock source. Detect the start of transmission bit and halt the clock to set up reception, then let it rip. Allows for nice speed vs bit-bang and will let comms run native 1.8v in SD mode. Unfortunately for me the nRF5340 does not have synchronous serial capabilities...
I actually wouldn't mind having only SD protocol available as it's much better suited for block transfers. Also many MCUs have SD/MMC peripherals, so it's not even that hard to find a suitable one for just about any application. I just wish that they would've designed some kind of magic combination of pull-ups and pull-downs to switch card to 1.8 Vccio as opposed to current commands sequence.
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