First a quick comment about the history of the ADR1000. What we've learned from Eric Modica at MM2021 was:
"... I had just taken over a project to second source the LTZ1000, which you all know. And this was obviously before the merger with Linear Technology. The primary reason ADI started to look at second sourcing the LTZ1000 was because, one of our VP saw an ADI AppNote that used the LTZ1000 as a reference for a 20 bit DAC and that was the AD5791. So by the time I took over the project, there had been a couple of test chips to look for various candidates for internal processes to use at ADI to match such a part..."
So in my understanding the goal was not to create an update or improved successor, but something similar to the LTZ1000 and by "...We got lucky?..." the final reference showed lower noise.
Given the charts from this thread in the video showing measurements after 8000 hours it must have taken Marco quite some time to create his video, almost a year.
A few technical comments. What I could extract from the video is that Marcos references show quite large noise compare to other measurements done before, which makes me wonder why. A possible source could be the DC/DC converter and to verify that powering the reference circuit from batteries could help. Also the measurement seems to be performed without protection from ambient noise, here is where your lovely cookie box comes in handy.
Furthermore, he build a reference with an early engineering sample with datecode 1727. As far as I understand this is a sample without the later introduced PMO which is a 150 °C, 168h both bake and burn, which Eric explained to be the cause for jumps that appear like popcorn noise.
"... what I’ve observed is that bake and burn is helpful primarily for low frequency noise reduction in this context. We have had tier 1 manufacturers tell us the same thing when we send them ADR1000s. Prior to instituting a bake and burn most of the parts look okay from a low frequency noise perspective, but if you look at it enough you find one that is extremly noisy and actually remedies with the bake and burn. So only being a process hobbiest myself, the only explaination I can give there is that you have these dangling hydrongene bonds at the surface of the SI and sometimes that amounts to surface charge and if that ends up in the vacinity of the zener, if you are unlucky enough, then this is the kind of thing that you get. And it’s really the only thing that would move at such low temperatures where you are running a bake and burn, say like a 150 °C..."
Nice to see Marco adopted some of the concepts from W/F7000, that were proven to work with results shown here on eevblog too, such as zero t.c. adjustment. However, some of the t.c. curves make me wonder as I have never observed any kink in my curves when sweeping through the temperatures.
It would be nice if he would present his results not in some special Python or Grafana format, but as charts with proper image file extension. Finally, it remains interesting to see more longterm results from more specimen in general, so I'm curious to see how his samples will do in the future.