Today I tried a classical INL test with using a floating reference. As a don't have a good stable reference, I tried it with 2 new alkaline cells. Not to load the cells too much I added an OP07 as an input buffer. For the larger voltage range 2 green LED are use as a reference, and a slightly larger resistor for the signal input (around15 K for the input and 12.8 K for reference). So full scale is around 4.5 V for the slow modulation mode and around 4 V for the fast modulation mode.
It kind of worked, but there is quite a lot of drift, likely from the batteries. So the result is not really useful showing less than about 50 ppm INL in the 1.6 V + 1.6 V vs. 3.2 V test. There is a chance the switch did some transient shorts to the batteries - like no reliable break before make
However there where side result:
1) The green LEDs are a low noise reference: noise on a short is around 1 µV eff, and with the 3.x V batteries around 1.3 µV. So the LEDs are at least low noise
, though quite some TC.
2) with a larger voltage there is some DA effect visible from the average voltage in the integration cap. So the MKT cap did not work anymore - it left the working range of the µC internal ADC. Even with the PS cap there is some relaxation after rundown visible, about proportional to the voltage, and smaller (about half the size) with the faster modulation.
3) with the stationary voltage the slow an fast modulation mode produce slightly different results: the fast mode gives about 12 ppm lower reading. Not sure if this is INL or just a slightly off scale factor. Ideally the scale factor should be the same as the integration time is now identical. Chances are DA is causing this and much of the effect could be linear.
The test on the breadboard uses just one zero crossing comparator and thus a larger DA effect is expected compared to the final version using FB with a look ahead contribution from the signal, like many HP DMMs use.
The noise in the fast modulation mode is significant (about 2.5 times) higher than with the slower modulation. In the initial tests I did not notice the difference, but this was with a slightly slower version and more background. The much higher noise is kind off odd, as much of the noise in the slow more is expected to be due to the OP and thus only a small part due to switching. With the 3 times faster modulation (123 kHz compared to 41 kHz) I have expected a little higher noise, but only a factor of 3 (or square root of 3) for only the small part related to switching. So maybe some pulses get to short for the breadboard version.